Part 39

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The guys stare dumbfounded at Lia, too stunned to even speak. She's glowing. Literally glowing! How is that possible?!

"What the hell is this?" Eagle is the first to snap out of his shock, turning to Tyson questioningly.

"I guess it's time to tell you... Lia is not an average girl."

"We can see that, Tyson! She's fucking glowing like a light bulb!" Tank exclaims loudly. "What I want to know is 'why'! And 'how'!"

"She wanted to tell you this herself... but I guess it's no use hiding it. I only found out a few hours ago... Lia is a witch. A real witch. And she can heal others." Tyson reveals, getting skeptical looks from the bikers. "You don't believe me? Take a look at her."

The men turn to glowing Lia. She's a witch, alright.

"Fine. There's no arguing with that. - Tank gives in, shaking his head incredulously - Why was she hiding it from us, though?"

"She found out a few weeks ago. She wanted to tell you."

"So that's what Blake meant when he said they have something to talk to us about... - Gun sighs heavily - Holy shit, this is a lot to take in."

"Is it though? We've always known Lia is weird. - Wolf chuckles, shrugging casually as he leans against the wall in front of Blake's room door - And now that we know she's a witch it all makes sense, doesn't it? Her strangely impeccable intuition, the sudden change of look, the weird tattoo on her arm with letter 'T', the way she and Blake can't stay from each other and even the fact that she attracts trouble no matter where she goes."

"Are you fucking serious? - Tank grumbles - You're saying it's normal that she's a witch?"

"It's not. But what does it change, man? She's our sworn sister and Blake is our brother. Do you want to throw them out of the club because of it?"

"Of course not! - The Prez denies vehemently - But how do we go about this?!"

"Why don't you start with talking to Lia when she wakes up? - Tyson suggests - Wouldn't that be fair?"

"He's right. The least we can do is hear her out. It seems that she didn't know about it all before, so it's not fair to blame her for it. - Gun adds, throwing a furtive glance at the couple in the room - Let's wait until she's ready to talk to us."

"Fine." Tank nods. "Guys, make sure no one else sees this. - he gestures at Lia with his head - I'm going to talk to the doctor and take care of Blake's discharge. If Lia can heal him, then they're coming with us back to the compound. There are too many eyes here."

"I'll go with you." Tyson says sternly then follows the Prez, leaving the rest of the club members in the hall. They keep blocking the hall, no matter how many security guards come at them and how many nurses ask them to let them in Blake's room. No one is getting in there. No one can see Lia in that state.

It takes a lot of persuasion on Tank and Tyson's side to convince the doctor to let Blake leave, but once the head of the ICU joins the conversation and hears that it's a member of the Shadow Warriors they're talking about, he agrees immediately. He knows that one of the doctors that used to work here is now staying with the club and the clinic at the clubhouse is as well-equipped as the hospital. He tells Dr Wilson that the patient will have great care there.

The doctor reluctantly agrees, but makes sure to remind the men that they're putting the patient at risk by taking him out of the hospital. Tank only rolls his eyes at this. If Lia can really heal Blake then he won't even need hospital.

"I'm guessing you're not coming..." Tyson says as Tank presses the button for the third floor in the elevator. It's not the ICU.

"I'm staying with my wife and son here. You can tell the guys about the doctor's decision. Gun will take care of the rest."

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