Part 23

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Armstrong... Jake Armstrong...

Son of a bitch.

How does one evade death so easily?

I notice Ivy shake in fear as she sits on Lorenzo's lap. She's really distressed by this... Not that I don't understand why. This Jake guy is to her what Patrick was to me - a nightmare.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. - I grab her shaking hand, smiling at her reassuringly - Don't worry too much yet. We still don't know if that guy is alive or not, so don't let it get to you. It's too early to determine anything." I say calmly, trying to put her more at ease.

"What if he is?" Ivy frowns worriedly.

"Then it will be a problem." Thea admits somberly. Thanks for the help in calming her down!

"Maybe he's actually dead, but someone just took his body..." Ivy wonders out loud, clearly grasping at straws to not let the thought that Jake might be alive get to her.

"Maybe. But it's better to prepare for the worst rather than count on luck. We need to be ready for everything." Lorenzo states seriously. Wiser words have never been spoken.

Be ready for everything.

"You're right." Ivy sighs, leaning against her man's chest. Seeing that she's in good hands, I let go of her and grab Blake's hands, distractedly fumbling with his fingers.

"Should we go back inside? The humans might get cold." Thea teases, easily dispelling the tension.

"Har, har, funny. - I retort dryly - We humans are fine." I sneer sarcastically, poking my tongue out at Thea before turning in Blake's lap and snuggling into him. Do they think that we're fragile or something?!

"I swear to the moon goddess, you two must be related. You even have the same mannerism! It can't be a coincidence." Leo chuckles amusedly.

"Speaking of them being related, did you come to any conclusions?" Lorenzo implores curiously.

"Lia and I are going to look into some things that we think may be connected to Thea and see if we can find anything." Blake responds, his chest rumbling soothingly against my ear. I just want to go to sleep now...

"I've also agreed to take a DNA test, but only under the condition that my identity will not be revealed." Thea adds.

"How are you going to do that?" Ivy asks curiously.

"At first we thought about getting a sample from Lia's grandfather, but the man is quite... old and the shock could possibly... kill him. So we decided to simply check if Lia and Thea are related by getting the samples to a person we know will keep quiet about it."

"Would that work?" Ivy pries.

"Yeah. If our suspicions are true then Thea is Lia's aunt... Oh boy..." Blake chuckles amusedly, shaking his head.

"If you're really Angel's niece, then you're in for a surprise, little one. - Leo smirks, getting a quick glare from Thea - What? She needs to be prepared." He defends himself.

"I don't like surprises." I grumble in annoyance. Nothing good comes from not knowing what's coming.

"Since when?" Ivy asks, sounding surprised by the revelation. "You used to love surprises, you said so yourself!" And how stupid I was back then...

"That was before. Now I hate... not knowing." I shudder at the memory of all the 'surprises' I got over the last months.

"Then I guess I can tell you... - Thea sighs, making me turn to her intrigued - I have nine sons." N-nine? You're shitting me!

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