Part 62

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Two years later

"Dexter! What the fuck is the meaning of this?!" Blake furiously storms inside the office with his wife following right behind him, equally infuriated by the man's incompetence.

"I have no idea, boss. - Dexter defends, slightly scared of the angry couple - He must've known he's got a target on his back, cause he was ridiculously cautious. I couldn't even get close to him. None of my men could!"

"Then how do you explain this mess? The fucker's got a security, he's armed to the teeth, all his men are ready for battle! How do we get to him?!" Blake fumes, slamming his fist on the table, cracking it with his inhuman strength.

"I guess there's no other choice, my love. - Lia mutters darkly, softly rubbing her husband's neck to calm him down a little - It's time to take the matter into our own hands." She declares.

"I can't fucking believe it," Blake sneers before pulling Lia to his lap. "What do you propose, baby?" He turns to his wife imploringly, his glare softening the moment his eyes meet hers.

"Simple. Electricity malfunction. I can melt the fuse box and heat up the wires to the point of catching fire. Once the house is in flames, I'll be able to burn it without being detected. Or... I could cause a storm and strike the house with lightning..." Lia suggests with a shrug.

"Would it work? We need to know the guy's dead." Blake reiterates. He knows how bad it can get if they leave the man alive and so does Lia. That's why they want to take this matter into their own hands. If the officers are incompetent, the responsibility for their failure falls onto the leaders' shoulders. Like now. It's the first time the men failed to finish their assignment, so all the officers are uneasy. They don't know what consequences the bosses will draw. The Knights might even demote them from their officer positions for this. This is bad, this is really bad.

"I can go with you, ma'am, if you'd like." Duma offers, trying to ease the suffocating tension in the room. He's seen his boss lady in action a few times, but he still can't get over how powerful she is. She can literally burst into flames at will, she can strike people with lightning with just a look and she can heal every wound imaginable. She's not an ordinary person, and neither is the boss. His strength is unparalleled. He can crush bones with his bare hands...

"No need. I can do this alone. - Lia refuses - My love, the decision is yours. Should I burn them or strike them?" She asks her husband, leaving the choice to him. He's the boss, it's his call.

"Burn them. Burn them to ashes, kitten. - Blake growls lowly - I want to watch that fucker suffer while he dies."

"Very well then," Lia nods firmly before turning back to the officers, still not leaving her throne that's her husband's lap. "Anything else you'd like to report, gentlemen?" She demands, already aware of the issue Ripper's squad has had.

The man in question easily realizes that he's the one the boss is talking about. "I know I messed up with the training, boss. I take full responsibility for it. - Ripper sighs heavily, bowing his head apologetically - It was my mistake to let the men train with guns so soon. They all looked promising, so I thought they'd do well. I had no idea that those two morons would fight over a woman and shoot at each other." He mutters quietly. The guilt that weighs on his shoulders doesn't even let him look at his bosses, knowing that all he'll find in their gazes is anger and disappointment. He's the one responsible for the gun training, so whatever happens during that time is his concern.

"What state are they in now?" Blake questions.

"One of the idiots got his spleen ruptured and had to have a surgery, the other one was only grazed on his side, he's in recovery."

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