Part 64

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Hello guys!

The book is almost finished... There are only 2-3 chapters left. Once it's completed, I'll start a new one, which will be updated along with Biker's Princess. I'm hoping to be able to update each book twice a week, but I'll see how it goes 😊😊😊

Lots of love!


The next few months are busy, to say the least. After Lia talked to Ruby about the foundation, the girl was immediately in. She said it would be an honor to be a part of something so special. At first, she wanted to wait a little until her daughter is big enough to go to a nursery, but her daddy is such a good caretaker that she's decided to get involved in this from the beginning. Lia explained to Ruby that she wanted to start in Chicago, where she's living now, and then maybe expand the foundation to different cities in the country, and that's when she'll need Ruby's help. The red-haired fighter will run the second hotel Lia is thinking of setting up, in Iowa City, so she'll be able to stay with the club and work at the same time.

Since Lia doesn't want to get unnecessary attention from people, she wants to gradually expand her foundation to create a safe place for all those who can't count on authorities to save them from abuse and pain. Sometimes the victims themselves are too afraid of their tormentors to even report it, so Lia wants to give them a place where they'll get the support they need, without notifying anyone.

The most difficult part of this plan is actually renovating the hotel, much to Lia's surprise. When she bought it, she was sure it was in a better condition, but apparently it's not. So... Lia did the only thing reasonable - she called her dad.

"This... is a big house, baby." Tyson gapes at the huge building in awe. Did his daughter really buy it?!

"It's a hotel. - Lia smiles - It'll be the headquarters of the foundation."

"Are you going to actually register it as charity?"

"No. I call it a foundation, but it won't be in any registers, it won't be funded from public money... It's just a hotel with a secret purpose." Lia explains as she gives her dad a tour around the place to see what needs to be done.

"Then how will people know about it?" Tyson implores curiously. If Lia intends to keep the hotel's real purpose hidden, then how is anyone going to know what it's for?

"I got it covered, dad. - Lia grins - The Knights are pretty influential, so even the PD has agreed to help set this up. Remember officer Mauer? The one who worked with Razor back when that nasty guy assaulted me?"

"Yeah, he handcuffed me the moment he barged into the house..." Tyson grumbles, still annoyed by what happened nearly ten years ago.

"He's the chief of police now, you know. I'm pretty sure he got a heart attack when I went to see him and told him my name. - Lia chuckles - I explained my idea to him and told him why I don't want the foundation to be public, and he agreed to help. He said that if the cops get reports of abuse, rape, assault or anything similar, he will let the victims know about the hotel. He also mentioned something about talking to a few therapists to ask them to inform their patients about this. He knows how difficult it is for victims to get over what happened to them. He works in the field, he knows how bad it is..."

"So he's going to support this? I'm shocked."

"It wasn't easy to persuade him at first, since he didn't recognize me, but when I told him my name, he agreed immediately. He said that if it's me running it, then he has no reason to refuse, especially since I'm also offering protection to those who decide to come to me. He knows what I've gone through... he knows why I want to do this."

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