Part 43

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"We need to look into the accident, Tank." Killer says as he walks into Tank's office.

"What do you mean?"

"I overheard Blake and his family's conversation at Jen's. Something's fishy."

"Elaborate." Tank puts away the papers he's been working on and gives Killer his full attention.

"Blake's aunt said something that didn't sit well with me. She mentioned that it's 'suspicious' that Lia wasn't with Blake the day of the accident, since usually they're 'inseparable'."

"That's true, though. It's not often those two are apart, but that's all due to their weird bond." Tank nods.

"But how would that woman know they weren't together specifically on that day?" Killer implores suspiciously.

Tank immediately understands what his brother is saying. "She wouldn't." He trails off.

"She also implied that Lia might've had something to do with the accident."

"She accused our sister of arranging it all?!" Tank exclaims incredulously.

"Not directly, but the implication was there. It sounded like... she was trying to... find someone to blame for it and distract Blake's attention from something with it." Killer sighs heavily, frowning as he remembers the exchange between Blake and his family.

"Hmm... it might be a good idea to look further into it. Church in thirty. Get the guys."

"Yes, sir." Killer nods then leaves the office, heading straight to the common room, where he finds his Cupcake with the other Old Ladies talking quietly. Judging by their concerned looks, they're also talking about what happened at Jen's.

"Church in thirty!" The man announces then goes to his lady, immediately picking her up to place her on his lap.

"What's wrong? Why is Tank calling church?" Treasure asks worriedly, holding her newborn son to her chest.

"It's about the accident, isn't it? You told him about what Blake's aunt said..." Kathie implores before Killer can respond.

"Yeah." The man nods.

"Lia is going to freak out if the crash wasn't an accident... And Blake? How is he going to take it? He just lost his family..." Treasure bemoans, stroking Max's head softly.

"It won't end up well, that's for sure." Killer huffs.

─ ▪ ─

"We're all here. Good. - Tank begins the meeting with a heavy sigh - Ghost, Phantom, I'm sorry to call you here so suddenly while you're still mourning, but the thing I want to talk about concerns you two. Killer has brought it to my attention that you've met with some people at Jen's today and your conversation didn't go well."

"Tattletale." Lia mumbles with a smirk, getting a shrug from Killer. She knew he would tell Tank about the incident at Jen's.

"That woman implied you had something to do with the crash. That's a serious accusation, sister." Killer retorts.

"Killer is right. - Blake adds - The way Sheila said that was suspicious. But I don't want to involve the club in this. We can investigate it on our own."

"You're part of the club, Phantom. If someone hurts your family intentionally, it's a move against all of us. We're one unit, one family." Tank states seriously, getting a small smile from Blake.

"Thanks, man."

"So, how do we go about this?"

"We can look into the truck driver, that's for starters." Gun suggests.

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