Part 5

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Oh kitten, you're so bad.

I can't help but smirk as I watch Lia deal with the prisoners. She's as creative as always, but it's not her cruelty that makes me smile.

It's the fact that she's just earned herself a punishment.

She knows how possessive I am of her, but still decides to touch some other man's dick? That's a big no-no.

"Damn it. I hate weaklings." My kitten grumbles as she comes up to me, already done with the guys in the cell. They spilled the beans in no time, thanks to my beautiful girl, and I can tell that's she's disappointed by how easy it was to extract the truth from them.

I quickly pull my girl into my arms and cage her against my chest. "You were very naughty, kitten. – I whisper threateningly into her ear – And bad kittens get punished." I bite onto her ear warningly.

It doesn't take long for Tank to give the order to go back, so we all leave the shed and head to the clubhouse. I don't miss Kathie's relieved look when sees us walk out before she goes straight to her man. They walk to the clubhouse snuggled into each other, just like me and my kitten.

"What the hell did I do? I didn't do anything." I catch Lia mumble adorably from beside me.

"You know exactly what you've done, kitten. – I lean into her ear to whisper quietly – But the punishment will come later. You can look forward to it."

"I didn't do anything!" She whines quietly, making me chuckle.

As soon as we're in the common room, Tank announces that the guys are free for the day, so 'they can go wild if they want'. All the guys take seats in the booths, me included, while the women go to the kitchen.

The ladies cook for a while and after about an hour, I'm too tired of waiting for my kitten and go to the kitchen to see her. "Wow, that smells good." I comment with a hungry look when I see the piles of food on the table. I head straight to my girl and pull her to me for a quick kiss, not missing the coo that comes from Mags and Anna. "Holy shit, you made a lot." I chuckle.

"Yep. So why don't you tell the guys to come and take this? Surely they won't make us weak women carry all that..." Kitten bats her lashes at me innocently, making me laugh a little. Those women are not weak. Especially my kitten. I've seen her bench-press more than some of the guys on the football team.

"Weak." I snort quietly before walking out. "Guys, dinner's ready!" I call out for the men.

Wolf, Wrench, Don and Jinx come to the kitchen and take the food to the common room, while the ladies carry the dishes, utensils and drinks for everyone.

I keep Lia with me the whole time we eat, stealing kisses between bites. I just can't stay away from her. She's my best drug and it's safe to say I'm absolutely addicted to her.

"Ghost! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I hear Killer call out to my girl after everyone's eaten.

"I'll go see what he wants." Lia tells me, giving me a quick peck before going to Killer's booth, where he sits with his woman perched on his lap.

I watch interestingly as Lia laughs suddenly then her look turns dreamy as she thinks about something. Now I'm curious.

After Lia is done talking to Killer and his girl, she comes back to me and casually sits on my lap, snuggling into my chest tiredly. She always gets sleepy after eating, so I decide it's time to take her to bed. She'll be more comfortable there.

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