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Hey guys!

The epilogue is here!

It's an extremely long chapter (almost 6k words), but since the Unbreakable had a really short epilogue, I decided to not separate this chapter into two.

And don't you worry, just because the story is over, we'll still see Lia and Blake in other books 😊

Hope you've enjoyed Lia and Blake's journey!

Love you!


It's not a surprise to anyone when Blake brings Lia with him to the meeting with the officers. Even though Lady Knight has taken a step back from the business to run her hotel, she still joins her husband at the council meetings every once in a while. It's mostly when the cases the officers discuss regard people involved in activities connected to abuse.

Like this one.

The principal of a high school in Fort Wayne abuses her power and terrorizes her students along with her daughter. A story heard way too often - the child of the principal feels invincible and openly bullies whoever she wants then complains to their parent and gets the student in trouble, ruining their rap sheet over the stupidest shit. This case is similar, but with a bit more spice to it. The principal is not only protecting her daughter from punishments she should be given, but also engages in sexual acts with her students. What's even worse is that the woman films her 'intercourse' with those kids then uses the videos to blackmail her victims to stay quiet.

"So, who actually reached out to us? It can't be her daughter, considering her involvement in this." Blake wonders, absentmindedly rubbing Lia's waist under her shirt as she sits in his lap. He always keeps his wife there, saying that if there's any throne that's deserving of having someone like Lia sit on it, it's his thigh. Not that Lia minds. She loves how touchy and cuddly Blake is.

"It was a group effort. - Zeus responds - A bunch of the principal's victims have contacted us after they heard about the Warriors Hotel and inquired about possibly helping them deal with the headmistress. They explained in detail what the woman is doing and how brazen she is about her ventures. She must be feeling untouchable with her position as the principal of a well-respected school, cause she's recently started demanding money from her victims. They have no choice but to pay her if they don't want the videos released, and the sums they mentioned are in no way small. Supposedly, the bitch is using her daughter to get the money and everyone sees it as simple bullying." The older man explains, quickly losing his composure as he goes over the contents of the mail he's gotten. It wasn't easy to read this and not blow up. God knows what the kids at that school go through. Their parents must've sent them there because of the school's reputation, unaware of the nightmares that happen within the walls of that cursed place.

"How many are we talking?" Lia implores sternly, already having a bad feeling about this.

"Total count is unknown, but we've been contacted by a group of sixteen people." Zeus reveals, shocking his boss lady to the core.


That's insane! How did that woman get away with it?!

"And I'm guessing those kids want their headmistress to die..." Blake comments, getting a grim nod from his officers.

"They want her gone, along with all the videos she took. And..." Zeus hesitates for a moment, not sure how to interpret the words he's reading on the screen of his computer.

Warriors (Ghost #4)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя