Part 9

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I'm finally getting my cake. I'll be damned if I let anyone take it from me. That bitch Gloria or whatever her name was will pay for almost ruining my day. Had it not been for her and her husband kidnapping Kat, I would've gotten my tiramisu much earlier. I was supposed to go pick Muffin up from 'Taliano' at around seven, but I wanted to go there for dinner with my Cakey and then take Kat with us on our way back.

My darling Cakey even made reservations for us... for three in the afternoon, which was like two hours after the whole incident with Gloria.

Those two fuckers ruined my plans!

"What are you thinking about, kitten?" I'm pulled from my thoughts by none other than my Cakey as he grabs my hand gently and pulls it onto his lap.

"Gloria. I'm trying to think about what to do with her. If what the guys said is true... about her trying to lure them away to not get in Bernard's way... then she deserves the worst death possible." I give up with a sigh, pulling Blake's hand back onto my lap and playing with his fingers distractedly.

"Agreed. That bitch was helping that scumbag as he tried to rape her daughter. She doesn't deserve mercy."

"Exactly. But I'm not sure what to do to her. I mean... she helped Bernard, even though she knew exactly what he wanted to do to Kat, she didn't even try to help her daughter and instead tried to lure the guys away, not to mention how she treated Kat... You know, when Muffin told me and Maggie about what Bernard would do to her... she mentioned that when she told her mother about it, the bitch took her husband's side and put all the blame on her. Can you believe that? Fucker would molest her in the middle of the night when she was asleep and Gloria actually blamed the her for it!" I snarl furiously, angry at the mere thought of the whore that's currently in the club's shed.

"You've got to be shitting me. - Blake exclaims incredulously - That's so fucked up."

"Yeah... I want to make her pay for all she's done, but I still don't have an idea how." I sigh heavily, leaning my head against the headrest tiredly. Maybe once I've got my sweet treat my brain will start working again.

"Let's not think about that now and just enjoy ourselves, hmm?" Cakey suggests, squeezing my hand a little.

"Alright." I give him a smile then keep playing with his hand the rest of the way to 'Taliano'.

When we arrive at the restaurant, I see it's half empty, which is weird, especially at this hour. I'm not bothered by it though, it just means that Cakey and I will have more privacy.

Ever since I revealed my identity back at the Ring in San Francisco, I've had people recognize me almost everywhere. Funny thing is, that 'popularity' didn't disappear even after coming back to Iowa. Almost as if people here also know who I am.

Actually, I think they do. I've already had quite a few people ask for pictures and stuff. I always manage to somehow get out of it, having no desire to have my face anywhere on the social media - it can be disastrous, considering the fact that I fight illegally.

I was lucky so far and didn't get caught, mainly because no one knew who I was, but now that I'm... out, I don't want to risk gaining popularity and possibly catch the attention of the authorities.

I've killed people before. If it comes out... I'll be in jail for the rest of my life.

"Oh, hi again." Jean greets with a smile when she sees me and Blake enter the building. "A table for two?"

"Yeah, under the name Knight." Blake responds.

"How's Kate? I was quite worried about her after she left, but she left her phone here and I didn't know how to reach her..." Jean implores worriedly as she leads us to the table by the window, the same one I've had my breakfast at.

"She's alright. - I shrug, not really wanting to reveal Kat's issues without her knowing about it - Actually, can you get her things and give them to us? Kat's not coming back today, so we're supposed to get her stuff."

"Sure, I'll get right to it. But first, let's hear what you'd like to eat." Jean grins cheerfully, taking out her notepad.

Blake and I both order some pasta for dinner and then the most important item of the day - my tiramisu. Just to spite my Cakey for teasing me about my addiction to sweets, I order two pieces of the cake.

We eat in silence, quietly enjoying our alone time. It's not often that we have a chance to be alone, so we want to make as much of it as we can.

It's funny actually. I've been on my own for quite some time after leaving my dad and I was content with the life I had. At least I thought I was. Only after being with Cakey and opening up to people have I realized what I was missing.

Now I can't imagine my life without my man, my family or even the bikers.

It may be busy all the time for me and Blake, but it's fun. I like how there's always something going on. At least it's not boring anymore. Of course, I'd rather not have my man's life endangered, but I trust in the people close to me and myself to keep my Blake safe. My past has been finally dealt with, my family is no longer something I have to wonder about and my fighting is no longer a secret I have to protect.

My life has changed so much over the last two years it's unreal.

"What's on your mind, kitten? You seem lost in thought..." Blake implores curiously, gently taking my hand over the table, caressing the back of it softly.

"If someone told me two years ago that I'd be where I am right now, I would've laughed in their face. I can't believe how much has changed. I'm engaged to the love of my life, I've dealt with the horrors of my past and got relieved from the nightmares, I have a huge family that seems to actually like me unlike my birth father and his wife, I have amazing friends that are ready to help me anytime and I'm officially a member of an outlaw biker club." I tell my man, sighing quietly as I stare at his engagement ring.

Blake gently takes my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles, staring right into my eyes as he does it. "I can't believe it either, baby. But no matter what happens in our life, it won't change the fact that I love you with all my heart. Nothing can change that."

I can't help but smile at my sweet man. He always knows what to say. "I love you so much it actually hurts to be away... I still can't believe that you're right here with me... I can't even tell you how many times I was worried that my issues would scare you away."

"Nothing will ever make me leave you. Nothing." Blake states seriously, pressing a firm kiss to my hand. "You're mine, kitten and it's going to stay that way." Barely two years ago, I would've scolded Blake for his ridiculous possessiveness, but now I find it absolutely endearing.

He's as possessive of me as I am of him. God have mercy on anyone trying to steal my man.

No one will take my Cakey.

"I swear to god, you're too cute." Blake chuckles when he sees me drooling over the yummy tiramisu. I only throw him a cheeky grin then dive right into my tasty delicacy. This place really has the best tiramisu I've ever had.

Blake watches me the whole time I devour my cake, smiling in what seems to be adoration. I love how he always pays attention to me. He even notices things I don't really show. There are no secrets in our relationship, and even if there were, we'd both notice that there's something wrong right away. It's like... we know each other so well that the second something changes, we can immediately sense it.

The more we're together, the closer we are and it's absolutely amazing.

I would've never thought I'd get so lucky to have someone like Blake. He literally changed my life. It's because of him that I got out of my shell and let people in my life. It was just like... when my dad first took me in. He showed me that not all people are bad, that there are some that I can trust.

But with Blake, it went even further. I could open not only my mind but also my heart to him. Something I couldn't do with my dad. Dad has always been my rock, my most beloved person, but he was never someone I'd see as anything but a parental figure.

Blake is different.

He's my man.

He's filled the remaining empty spot in my heart that dad couldn't even reach.

He's made me whole.

And now I can't be without him.

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