Part 38

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Tyson and Lia casually sip on their coffees as Lia tells her father about everything that went down in Colorado. She explains how she got the mark on her arm, how she was pulled by the fire and Thalia used her body to make the guys who attacked her explode, she also tells her father about the time she spent with Thalia in her dream and how she learned to use her abilities.

Tyson's acceptance is... baffling to say the least. But it really warms Lia's heart to know that her new identity isn't going to change her relationship with her dad.

"What's wrong, little mouse?" Tyson asks worriedly when he sees Lia frown in discomfort as she rubs her chest as if to soothe the pain. "It's because you're away from Blake, isn't it?" He adds knowingly.

"Yeah. - Lia groans, feeling the tightness in her chest increase - We can't be apart for long. It's like... we're having withdrawals when we're away from each other. There's this heavy feeling in my chest, as if something was crushing my lungs and I can hardly breathe through it. That's why I didn't want him to go back and forth when he said he's going to pick up his parents. Ten hours is way too long for us and it could be dangerous, especially if Blake was driving."

"True. If he had an attack, like the one a while ago..." Tyson breathes out, almost shuddering at the thought of Blake crashing the car because he was in too much pain due to being away from Lia. Their bond is as fascinating as it is terrifying.

"I can't risk it. It'll be okay once I'm closer to him. But the distance is still too big." Lia explains.

"Let's go, baby. I can't watch you struggle like this again." Tyson quickly puts a few bills on the table then helps Lia walk out to his car.

"Thanks, dad." The girl sends her father a shaky smile as he helps her get in the passenger seat.

"Don't mention it, baby. I will always help you when you need me."

"I know."

─ ▪ ─

"Sorry about making you go such a long way, Blake." Sam says as she puts her suitcase in the trunk of Blake's Mustang.

"It's no problem, mom." The young man grins. "But please remind me to buy bleach on the way home. I have a feeling this whole place needs to be sterilized." He teases, making his parents choke on their own spit, staring at each other wide-eyed. They still have no idea that their son is no longer an ordinary human and that his senses are much sharper now. He can smell what happened here and it takes all his effort to not show how disgusted he is about knowing of his parents' activities.

"As if you're any different, son. - Jared taunts with a smirk - Poor Lia..." He shakes his head mockingly, getting a smug grin from Blake.

"Oh please. How can I possibly keep my hands to myself when I have such a hot girl as mine? I can't."

"I don't want to hear it. I'd rather not know how many places in our house are contaminated." Sam groans, getting in the car.

"About as many as here." Blake chuckles quietly, getting a loud laugh from Jared. Sam thankfully doesn't hear him.

Blake talks to his parents about everything that's been going on over the week they were at the cabin. He also tells them that he and Lia want to talk to them about something really serious.

"Why didn't she come with you? I thought you wouldn't leave her for so long." Sam implores curiously from the backseat.

"She stayed with her dad. Tyson said he'll drop her off himself. Lia really wanted to talk to her father and I didn't have the heart to take it away from her..." Blake sighs with a small smile. He knows how close his girl is with her dad, and he loves it that she has such a loving parent after all the hardships she's gone through.

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