Chapter 1

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Hello! This is a new au I'm writing about the Sleepyboi's inc, however I'm not giving up on the Dreamnap story. This one is just to come back to once it's finished so I don't post nothing for a few months.
Now some TW'S:
-Mentionings of abuse
-Some swearing
I hope these don't stop you from reading the story but if they do then I apologise, just letting you know before the story starts, love you all xxx

Tommy woke up late at night to smoke filling his room. The child sat up straight and got out of his bed, openeing his door to see his parents covering their faces and bringing him down the stairs, rushing to the front door. They unlocked it and shoved Tommy outside and Tommy turned around to see the roof collapse in front of his eyes and his parents get crushed under the weight of the burning wood.
"M-mumma..." The tiny boy cried out
"D-Dada..." The boy burst out into tears, the neighbours and the fire brigade rushing to his side, his neighbours comforting the tiny child while the other men tried to put out the fire, however, even at the age of 4, he knew his parents were gone...
And it was his fault...

Tommy woke up in a cold sweat, tears staining his cheeks and forming a puddle on his pillow. The door was swung open on it's hinges to reveal Mrs Ketal, the orphanage owner, standing there with an angry look on her face as per usual.

"Some people have come to take you brat, bet I'll see you again in the next few weeks!" She sniggered, slamming the door behind her. Tommy sighed and got changed into a white shirt with long red sleeves and some jeans. Ever since the age of 4, Tommy had been in the orphanage, his parents died in a fire and since then he had been passed from family to family, each one sending him back within a month, saying he was 'too hard to take care of'. It was always the same answer every time, never anything new, so he didn't expect this family to be any different from the others. He was 13 now, lots of families didn't want a teenager, most only wanted an adorable toddler or baby. Every family had taken advantage of Tommy and abused him, to the point he became a shy, quiet boy. He barely spoke and whenever he did it was only a one word answer.

He packed his bag with what little belongings he had and set off towards the room in which he would meet his new foster family for the next month, unless they adopted him, which was probably never going to happen. He got to the door and slowly opened it, walking in and closing it tomorrow. Stood in front of him were 4 men, two a bit older than Tommy, one a bit younger than Tommy and one who was obviously the one adopting him. He sat down on a chair in front of them and stared at them, waiting for a conversation to start amongst them.

"Hello! I'm Phil, and these are my sons, Wilbur, Techno and Tubbo! Wilbur and Techno are both 15 (twins) and Tubbo is 12!" Phil gave a warm smile, however Tommy only gave a blank face in return. "What's your name?" Phil asked, his voice going soft at the look of the tiny male in front of him.

Tommy waited a few seconds before deciding to trust the man in front of him. "Tommy..." He whispered loud enough for them to hear. He didn't like talking to people he didn't know, and when he did he got angry at himself for letting his guard down.

"How old are you Tommy?" Philza asked, trying to get a sentence out of Tommy, even though he knew it was going to be hard.

"13..." Tommy whispered again. He looked up from his feet to see the younger one of the 4 stare at him and the one with brown curly hair's eyes widen.

"Another little brother!" Wilbur yelled, a big smile plastered on his face, making Tubbo giggle. Tommy had never seen a family that loved each other so much, it confused him slightly and he tilted his head to the side.

"Tommy, get out they need to think!" Mrs Ketal yelled at Tommy, making him jump and get off of his chair, running to sit in the hallway and wait for them to make a decision. He knew they were probably going to say no and for some reason that made him sad. This family made him seem warm and happy inside, like he would finally be safe.

"What do you think boys?" Phil asked his children, who all had smiles on their faces. I think he already knew their answer even though they hadn't said anything. He got the younger one off of his lap and got Tommy's papers. He then signed them, giving himself legal custody of Tommy for the next 31 days. He felt a slight bump in his legs after he signed the papers and looked at the back of his legs to see Wilbur, Techno and Tubbo hugging his legs. He gave them a smile and then picked up Tubbo, Techno and Wilbur holding hands alongside him.

Tommy heard the door open and close next to him and he looked to his side to see the man who was adopting him standing next to him, giving him a smile of approval and happiness. Even though he didn't get one in return, he knew deep down that the little boy was smiling inside, he had just built up walls to protect himself from people he thought were going to hurt him, and he understood why. He placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder and he flinched at the action, Phil immediately removing his hand away from Tommy.

"I'm sorry Tommy..." Phil said, giving him a sad look. Tommy didn't say anything but gave him a look that said it was ok. He walked next to Phil who took him to his car and open the doors, allowing the four children to get into the back. Tommy sat at the end text to Wilbur as he gave off a comforting aura. He didn't know why, but with these people he felt safe.

"Don't let down your walls Tommy, you know what happens when you do..." Tommy's inner conscience told him. He fastened his seatbelt and sat down, his knees pressed against his chest, staring at the big world outside of the car window.

"Get ready boys, we have an hour journey ahead of ourselves!" Philza turned to the back of the car and gave all 4 children in the back a smile. Only 3 giving it back as the 4th one was zoned out, staring out of the window. Philza gave a pitiful smile and started the car, reversing out of the orphanage and leaving.

After a while, Tommy felt his eyelids get droopy, his very slowly fell asleep, listening to the chatter of the people around him and the vibrations of the car soothing him. Wilbur felt something light-ish drop onto his shoulder and he turned to see Tommy asleep on his shoulder, his chest rising and falling slowly as he inhailed and exhailed. Wilbur smiled and laid his head on top of Tommy's, making sure to not wake him up. He too, slowly fell asleep surrounded by the ones he loved.

Aspecially his new little brother!

After an hour had been and gone, Phik stopped the car at his house and turned around to see all four of his children laying on top of each other, fast asleep. It made his heart melt at the sight of them being so peaceful and quiet. He woke up Tubbo, Wilbur and Techno, however, left Tommy to sleep as he knew he probably didn't have the best sleep schedule at the orphanage. He picked him up and carried him into his new bedroom, it wasn't much now, but he planned of letting him pick his own things to put in there. He lay Tommy down on his bed slowly and started to leave the room before Tommy grabbed one of Phil's fingers and wrapped his hand around it. It was only then Phil turned around and realised how small and pale the boy was.

"Don't go phil..." Tommy whispered, slightly opening his big, blue eyes. Phil sat down next to Tommy and started stroking his hair, making him jump at first, but soon he melted into the touch and snuggled up to Phil, falling back to sleep. Tommy didn't know what it was about any of the people in their family, but he felt as if he could trust them, however his gut told him something different.

"Don't trust them Tommy, they only want to use you..." Even though he knew this wasn't true, he decided to stick to it. He didn't want to be hurt again like before.

"I won't trust them..." Tommy mumbled to himself, too quiet for Phil to hear before he fell bsck to sleep in Phil's arms.

Whoa! 1539 words! That's the most I've ever written I believe. I'll come back to this story soon, however, I want to find a good place to end my other story so until then, I'll update this as something fun, not something my mind tells me I have to do. I hope you all liked this first chapter, love you all ! xxx

Sleepy Bois Inc Au <3 (Adoption)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now