"Hey," Gerard said quietly. "I got your phone. Are you uh ready to go?" he said sitting on the crate in front of me. He had turned the little lamp on so I could see him. I looked at him for a moment before reaching my hand out to touch his cheek. There were a few cuts on his face, he had a busted lip and blood running down the side of his eyebrow. Who knows what he looks like under the zipped up jacket. Dominic died, but he was clearly able to do a number on Gerard.

"We need to clean you up." I stood up to go grab the first aid kit from the table.

"Pumpkin, we can do that back at my house. Let's just go." Gerard stood up facing me.

I picked up the kit and walked back to him. "What if Mikey is home, what are you going to say?" I looked down at the first aid kit.

"He's not home right now, he's with Pete and Patrick." Gerard placed a hand on the first aid kit. "Let's go home."

"You called me princess earlier," I looked up at him. "I liked that one." I could feel the blush on my cheeks. I need to know. Or at least tell him how I feel.

Gerard's cheeks turned pink too. "Yeah?" it came out as a whisper.

"Sit down so I can fix you up, Gee." He held eye contact with me for a moment before he sat back down. I moved and sat on the couch in front of him and opened up the kit. I took out the alcohol wipes and started wiping everywhere there was blood while I tried to avoid wiping any of the cuts just yet. Gerard just sat and watched me, I could tell he was trying not to flinch when I got around to cleaning the cuts. I put a little ointment on and a bandaid to finish off the ones on his eyebrow and cheeks. I left his cut lip alone because I knew a bandaid wouldn't stay on it, plus it had stopped bleeding so it was fine.

"You need a band aid too," Gerard said, reaching for a band aid from the box.

"I do?" I don't remember getting hurt.

Gerard hummed and opened a large band aid before leaning forward and moving my hair. He placed it gently on the left side of my neck where he had bitten me earlier. His hand lingered for a moment on the band aid before he pulled it away and sat up.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" Gerard looked at me confused.

"When you said that I was worth dying for." I knew my cheeks were red, but I need to know.

He seemed to search my eyes for a moment, "Yeah. I meant it."

"I don't want you to die for me," I whispered reaching my hand out for his.

"I would though, if it meant you being safe." He looked down at our hands and held mine gently.

"Gee?" I leaned towards him. He just hummed and looked up at me. "I love you."

Gerard looked at me and put his free hand on my cheek, I couldn't help but lean against it and into his warmth, the little warmth he had that was probably from drinking my blood. When I looked back up at him, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. It was soft and hesitant, just like Gerard. I couldn't help but smile against him as I leaned more into the kiss. After a moment he pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I've always loved you." He whispered.

I hummed squeezing his hand."Wait. What?" I pulled back slightly to look at him better. My hand was still in his but he took his hand away from my cheek.

"I, sorry." He shook his head out. "Mikey, he had a crush on you back when we were freshmen. And he didn't know I liked you and I didn't want to be in his way so I distanced myself," he looked down at our hands. "After he told me about how he confessed but you guys stayed friends, I.. the damage was done so I just left you alone."

I cupped his cheek with my free hand. "If you ever think that I was better off without you, you are wrong. And don't ever do something like that again or I will beat you up." I cracked a smile.

"I won't," He smiled back at me and leaned in to kiss me again. I pressed forward into him trying to convey all my feelings in that kiss. As I pulled away I looked down and notice my phone screen lighting up.

"Why is Mikey calling me?" I asked looking back to Gerard.

"Uhh, just answer that and put it on speaker." He said looking away nervously. I just answered the phone anyway while giving him my best what did you do look.

"Hey Mikey," I questioned, looking at Gerard with confusion on my face.

"Hey Y/n/n, is everything okay? Gerard texted me a while ago and said if I didn't hear from him in like two hours to go home and check his room for a note. But I wanted to call you first to make sure everything was alright."
"Yeah? Everything is okay." I said giving Gerard a look.

"Are you sure?" Mikey's voice came out all staticy because of the warehouse.

"Uh yeah," Gerard said. "But um could you meet us at home Mikes?" I raised an eyebrow trying to figure out why he wants Mikey to meet us at their house.

"Uh okay. Are you sure everything is alright?"

"Yeah we're fine. I just. I need to tell you something." Gerard said looking up at me. Guess it's time Mikey finally finds out about the whole Vampire thing.

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