41. I'll Never Let Them Hurt You

Start from the beginning

"That's what you think. Once you're out of the picture, I'm sure she would change her mind. If anything I can just use my powers on her and she will join me whether she actually wants to or not."

"Fuck off, she's too good for you." Y/n's blood is making me feel cocky. Shit. It's gonna end up killing me isn't it?

Dominic laughs and stands up. "Come over here and get ready to die, Gerard. If she's too good for me then she was never even a possibility for you." I take a deep breath to center myself and walk over to the middle of the room near him. I should say goodbye to my secret lair because I'm sure it is about to be trashed.

"Wow," he chuckled lightly, looking me over. "This is going to be an easy fight." No way in hell am I making the first move. He can go first.

~Fight scene ensues~ It is too hard to write. Just imagine it is happening to the song Vampire Money. That's like perfect for a fight scene with Gerard Way sass and vampires. Trust me. I play a fight scene to that song in my head most times I listen to it. Especially the dance break~

I got in some good punches and throws but Y/n was right, Dominic is strong. He threw me into another one of the crates, shattering it, sending chunks of wood flying everywhere. I pulled myself up quickly before dashing around trying to confuse him. Broken crates lay around the warehouse but there's no time to feel bad about my batcave.

Dominic catches on quickly, though he's got cuts and scrapes like I do he doesn't look nearly as hurt as I am. He grabs onto me pulling us both down to the floor. I could feel his nails digging into my jacket like claws as we tried to get the advantage over the other. I'm able to land a kick in his shin and a good punch that would otherwise knock the wind out of a human right in his solar plexus but he just punched me right in the kidney sending me down in a shock of pain.

Dominic scrambles to get out from under me and pin me to the floor with his legs straddling my back and nail like claws holding my arms behind my back. I use my knee to push him up and off of me but he just kicks me as he turns and sends me down to my back, clutching my side. He takes his moment and jumps on top of me.

"You put up a good fight, kid. Too bad you're never gonna get the girl, should've kissed her goodbye when you had the chance." Dominic slams his hand against my face, making a cracking sound as my temple hits the cement under me. He leans down over me as I struggle to get him off, but the angle made his stupid twink body feel like more on top of me. I could feel his teeth graze my neck. All I can do is close my eyes and hope Y/n made it out of here alive.


What the hell made that sound? I look up at Dominic to see his eyes are wide and he's looking down towards his chest. He leans up and sits there, straddling my waist. I take the opportunity to shove him off of me and onto his back. But I nearly avoid getting stabbed as I pull back away from him. And that's when I see it. There's a giant something sticking out of his chest.

"You stabbed me?" Dominic tilted his head upward. I looked up and saw Y/n standing a few feet away from us.

"Yeah, I did." Her eyes were wide as if she didn't think she had actually done it. Well she did and I guess I just finished the job.

I get off of Dominic and stumble backwards for a moment giving Y/n space and the now bleeding dou- vampire on my floor.

Dominic struggles to sit up and scrambles back away from Y/n and myself, holding a hand to the front of his chest where the wood was sticking through. I looked over to Y/n and slowly walked towards her. Considering what she just saw maybe I shouldn't move too fast. Her eyes were staring down at the blue haired vampire so I touched her arm softly to let her know I was there. Her head turned to me and I could see the fear flash in her eyes before being replaced with... happiness?

"G-Gee?" She turned to me reaching for my shirt, checking to make sure it was me.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm fine. I'm fine." I said placing my hands on her shoulders. Y/n's face broke out into a smile and she threw her arms around me. I froze for a moment. I wasn't expecting that, if anything I thought she would try to leave after seeing that. I wrap my arms around her, she feels so small and warm in my arms.

"I was so scared," She pulled away slightly, arms still around my neck. "I didn't want you to get hurt anymore."

"I'm okay, I'm stronger than I thought I was." I pressed my forehead against hers. "Plus I had you to save my ass." She laughed lightly and so did I.

"Ugghh! You two are disgusting." We turned and looked at Dominic bleeding out on the warehouse floor. I let my hands relax and rest at Y/n's waist.

"Should we uh, burn him? Or like leave him? I mean he is an asshole who tried to kill us both," I looked down at her.

She took in a deep breath, looking from me to Dominic and then back. Her eyes met mine and she seemed a little more grounded than before. "As much as I want to kill him, I also like can't condone murder since we aren't adults yet." She shrugged but her face gave away that she was joking.

"Can't condone murder after you stabbed me in the back and your boyfriend finished the job. Could y'all just take this stake out and like I don't know, let me leave. Clearly you aren't worth it at this point."

"Ouch, that hurts. Gee did you hear that? I'm not worth dying for." Y/n put a hand to her heart faking being hurt by the comment and trying to lighten the mood of having nearly been faced with death.

"I think you're worth dying for." I said quietly. "Uh let's kill the guy yeah? What a dick." I looked over to Dominic, he was practically almost gone anyway. Please don't notice the blush on my cheeks. I looked back to Y/n and she just stared at me in shock. Ohh no. She's going to hate me now isn't she? I fucked up didn't I?

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