Travelling part 1

Start from the beginning

- Girls from here we are going to Egypt, we are not going on the same day to the Himalayas, there is no way we can get there in less than a day, even if it is Louise who can fly at very high speeds, we are talking about a huge distance that covers a good part of the earth, we are flying all the way to East Asia. Not to mention the fact that the time there is different, and that every time we fly over the globe it is as if an hour has been added to the clock.

Diana says.

- You're right Diana, we won't go all at once, so we have time to rest, and we can also take advantage of these different places. I always wanted to visit Egypt and see those pyramids... Well, from what I could tell we are all capable of flying at 300 km/h, right?

Hilda says.

- This is practically our average even, about 200 miles, so I can already understand that the trip we are going to make will take more than half a day at each stop we make, so let's go, I don't want to run the risk of robberies at night, we still have the risk of encountering the great war.

Diana says.

The girls just nod their heads in agreement signaling that they would go, so Diana takes the map, puts it in her bag, the girls get the brooms with the bags, say goodbye to Meredith, and from there they quickly head towards Egypt, where the first stop would be. With an average speed of 300 km/h, it would take them just over 14 hours at that speed, even more so with the time zone that would add some more time to the trip.

They left Edinburgh at 8 o'clock in the morning, took about 13 hours to travel at an average speed of 330 km/h, arriving at 11 o'clock at night in the city of Cairo, which at that time was part of the British Empire, so the girls could still use the pounds that Diana was in hand, so much so that they went to a hotel nearby and from there they settled in to spend the night before leaving again, only Hilda insisted that they enjoy the trip a little to admire the place.

June 12, 1916, the day dawns in Egypt, the girls took the opportunity to go out and that day they took a walk around the place, besides taking some pictures in the pyramids and also near the sphinx, it was practically a day in which they took the opportunity to rest, eat some of the local food, besides some of them were dying of heat with the extremely hot and desert weather of the place. On that day it was a scorching 40ºC (104ºF). After that day of rest where the girls ended up going to the hotel pools to cool off from the heat, they go to sleep and get ready to fly the next day.

June 13, 1916, they leave Egypt at eight o'clock in the morning, heading to Persia, where they arrive in the capital Teheran, arriving there at two o'clock in the afternoon, but as soon as they arrive in the scorching city that was extremely hot, even hotter than Egypt, where they went to a hotel nearby but they didn't accept Diana's pounds, Diana went from hotel to hotel, until she found a place where they bought coins and she exchanged some pounds for Iranian Qian that were worth much less than the British pounds, with this the girls managed to settle in a hotel there and escape a little of that 46 º C heat that was melting the girls.

June 14, 1916, the girls quickly left Persia and flew towards the Himalayas for the last trip they would make after the magic butterflies, the last trip took 12 hours on the last leg, where the girls left Tehran at eight o'clock in the morning and arrived practically at night in Tibet, They had to rest there, but luckily they found a village, in this village there were some witches there, many were even British, so it was a relief, there they settled down and waited until the next night. It was an extreme temperature shock there, since they left the scorching desert and were suddenly in the Himalayas with temperatures close to zero or even below that in the ice-covered mountains.

June 15, 1916, the day dawns in the icy Himalayan mountains, the girls wake up from their rooms, look up at the sky and all they see is a white immensity full of mountains and some darker parts that were parts that were not covered by ice from those elevations.

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