Diana Cavendish III

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It would be decades before the next Diana Cavendish was born into the family, as the latter moved to France with Maria Du Nord and she left the diaries and the book of the fertility stone with her, and everything stayed with the Du Nord family, who moved into the large house that had once been near the old Terre Sapphique, this time near the town of Loperèc. Because of this all the descendants that came with the surname Du Nord in that residence.

In the Cavendish family, the offspring came from Sarah Cavendish and Caroline McLaren Cavendish, who did not pass on Diana as much, leaving only a story about how Victoria and she had a hard time during the time of the lesbian witch hunts. Also the fact that the descendants who came along gradually forgot about this story, 100 years after Diana II was born, the Cavendish family could no longer remember anything about the legendary witch, even though she was still very much alive in France.

Alice Cavendish II, a student at Weddinburgh Academy born January 29, 1860 was studying for college as usual, she always went to the library to get some more books, since she was a medical student and intended to become a great doctor. The year was 1880, she was in the library and went after a book that was on a higher shelf, but she accidentally lost her balance on the ladder and fell, but luckily a boy came to her rescue. Herald Morris, also a medical student, born on March 18, 1860, was a beautiful boy with long red hair and some curls, and a somewhat defined body, since he used to play many sports. That day was what made Alice fall in love with the boy, who seemed to be just a clumsy guy with glasses who was knocking over books, but in fact was quite the opposite of that.

They met a lot during this period of university, and sometimes they also went out with the intention of having some more romantic encounters, and their courtship was only a matter of time. What really happened, after a few years, was the wedding on November 17, 1884. Born on August 17, 1885, Meredith Cavendish was their first child, and it would be a long time before they would have another, since they preferred to wait until their eldest was a little older to make their second child, so they would help teach little Meredith how to care for a child in the future, as well as having someone they could trust to give love and care to this second child.

Meredith was a curious child and fascinated by stories, so much so that she enjoyed reading books that were scattered throughout the Cavendish family library, until she accidentally found a book called "The Fertility Stone" and it was the book of the first Diana Cavendish that was written in the 17th century, The little girl who was 10 years old by then was amazed, that book told in detail about the magic stone that could help couples of women to have a family, so much so that she went running to her mother and showed the book to her that at first she was a little bit disbelieved.

Until she went into the family archives and noticed that the story matched the names in the family tree, that indeed Diana Cavendish I and Sarah Campbell had daughters between them using magic and that made her somewhat impressed, unlike other mothers who would find it absurd because it was a lesbian witch, but Alice reacted differently, because one of the couple's daughters had the same name as hers and the woman had no idea that it came from an experiment on the fertility stone. Because of that book, little Meredith asks her mother to name her next child after her.

September 22, 1898, after a few years Alice got pregnant and that day she was having labor to have her second daughter, the midwives were asking the woman to push harder that the child was about to come out.

- Come on Alice, keep going, breathe some more, the child is almost out.

Says the midwife.

- Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Hmmm!

Alice says, pushing hard.

Alice keeps pushing for a long time, until cries could be heard, it was from the little Diana Cavendish III who came into the world, after hearing those cries, Alice even gets relieved, while the nurses took care of the little child, cutting the umbilical cord and passing a towel over her body.

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