The final of the 1748 WMBT

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The 18th century was very different from the previous one, since the laws and restrictions regarding lesbian witches were more restricted, the situation was at its worst for witches who love other girls. Even more that this kind of thing was very stimulated by the supreme leader Mildred Berger and there was no way the witch tried to get away with it, since the method of judgment was precisely the crystal ball that ended up revealing all the memories of that captured witch.

At the Cavendish family residence another couple who lived with the family also had a daughter in the same year that Diana II was born, her name was Maria Du Nord, born on May 4, 1738 and daughter of Herald Brabham and Lucia Du Nord.

In the summer of 1738, something horrible happened at the Cavendish family residence, which began with the Herald catching a cold and having a headache after a trip to the Americas, ended up in a real epidemic inside the mansion, practically all the relatives had fallen ill, including the younger children, who survived by a short time. The adults and the elderly, little by little, only Eleanor and Ryouko Kagari ended up surviving, and Eleanor was the only Cavendish left in the residence. Since the few who survived decided to leave so as not to get sick, which left the poor girl alone taking care of two children, since Herald and Lucia died from the Cavendish flu.

In another faraway place on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland, around the year 1740, a small war between the Williams family witches and the McLaren family witches was going on as a way of giving change for what happened shortly after the 1648 edition of the World Magic Battle Tournament, where Elle Williams had found the whole family brutally murdered by Greta and Pamela McLaren and with that she swore to give the change for all that and that she would never trust the redheads of Dublin. But in that fight the Williams were not so silly and were armed with firearms hidden in the magic staffs, which gradually made each of the McLaren wither away. There were only two children left who were saved by their mother in time and taken to an orphanage nearby.

The years passed and the oldest of these children was becoming a very powerful witch, motivated to show the witches who killed her whole family, that she was not just anyone, with the help of her girlfriend. She was a girl from the Williams family who was expelled from her home for a very silly reason; she wanted to mix human technology with magic when she was only 6 years old. The family disapproved and sent her out of the residence. This girl named Esther ended up at the orphanage where the oldest of the McLaren family heirs was and she didn't know anything about what happened in the family's past until she talked to Victoria about it.

Until 1748, the tenth edition of the World Magic Battle Tournament, which was attended by Victoria McLaren, Esther Williams and also Eleanor Cavendish. That edition was marked by Victoria's prominence which she trained day after day to become an extremely powerful witch and in fact she was in a very high power at only 15 years old, quite similar to Sarah Campbell in the previous edition. The greatest proof of this is the enormous prominence she was having in the fights, especially against Vera Williams, in the semifinals, who was Esther's biological mother. In that fight Victoria took a walk in the woman and won easily becoming a finalist.

Esther on the other hand ended up losing to Eleanor Cavendish in the semifinals, but it was still an excellent result for Williams, since she would dispute the third place of the tournament against her mother, being until then the youngest to arrive in the dispute for the third place, with only 15 years, she could have the chance to face her own mother and get revenge for what she did

And that's really what Esther did, she beat her own mother in a somewhat bloody fight that lasted about 13 minutes, she was panting and extremely tired, besides wounded, to the point of passing out soon after having the victory announced, but as soon as she was healed, the younger Williams made her request, she wanted to be able to be a free lesbian and marry Victoria McLaren who accepts with all love that request.

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