Diana Cavendish inventions

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Diana and Maria got to know everything in the book of the first Diana Cavendish about the fertility stone, which made the green-haired girl more curious to know more and even to make the magic stone, but Eleanor told her daughter to wait a little longer, since the girl was still a little weak to go out on a journey in search of the relics that form the fertility stone.

After a day full of revelations for Diana and Maria, things are back to normal, where Cavendish and Du Nord trained and learned spells with the instruction of Eleanor and also Ryouko Kagari. What the girl with green hair did not like very much, since in many of these trainings she picked up and got her body all sore afterwards, besides not having much time left to devote herself to what Diana liked most.

July 9, 1748, The day normally dawned as usual at the Cavendish family residence, only this time Eleanor didn't have to force Diana to wake up, which was a relief for the youngest, she had woken up on her own and was eager to show Maria something.

- (It is today that I will show Maria something incredible that I have been working these days ... I'm sure she'll love it, after all we'll be able to play with this incredible invention).

Diana soon begins to do her personal hygiene and change, then she is welcomed by Eleanor who enters the room bringing breakfast, which even mother Cavendish is surprised to see that her daughter was already standing and eating that breakfast without complaining.

- Today it will rain a lot, well... Today is a day off from training, since yesterday I caught heavy with you and Maria, you can do whatever you want, just don't set fire to the house.

Says Eleanor with her hand on her waist.

After finishing eating, Diana runs to Maria's room, where she enters and bumps into Du Nord putting on her dress and getting her back shown, the redhead looks back and blushes as she sees Cavendish drooling a little when she sees her friend's pale back.

- Diana! Don't you know how to knock before entering? What if I was naked?

Says Maria as she tied the dress.

- Sorry Maria... But we are girls... What's the problem? I have the same thing that you have... Don't you want some help closing the dress?

Says Diana shrugging.

- Okay.

Says Maria.

Diana goes to Maria and helps her to close the dress, even forcing a little the corset, which makes Du Nord complain a little, the redhead after being helped will eat a little and also keeps talking a little with Cavendish, still wondering why she woke up so early and on her own.

- So Diana... Why did you wake up so early?

Says Maria while eating.

- I invented something, I really need to show it! It's amazing! Maria you have to see.

Says Diana anxious.

- Ah... An invention of yours, just don't go killing us this time, the last time you invented a two-wheeled thing that pushes using your feet and went down I die, I remember well it squashed all over the ground.

Says Maria.

- That thing really wasn't very reliable... But it was because I didn't think of a brake system, but what I invented is safer, you can trust.

Says Diana.

- I will trust you, but don't think about making me enter together in your invention, if you are going to break yourself at least by yourself.

Says Maria drinking tea.

- How horrible Mary.

Says Diana inflating her cheeks.

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