- We can go out on the town, me and Hilda, I want to ask them to bake a cake for Diana... Since today is a school day, I'd bake a cake, but I'll ask someone else to do it for us.

Says Louise rubbing the back of her neck.

- That's fine with me, you have my permission, but remember to come back before the afternoon classes.

Denise says.

- Right!

Says Louise nodding her head in agreement.

Then Louise and Hilda take their brooms and cross over the Ley line, where they go to the nearest confectioner's shop, and are soon greeted by the clerk who notices the two girls entering and also the witch academy uniform they were wearing.

- Ah Luna Nova students around here, what do I owe your visit?

Says the clerk.

- I want to make a request, actually leave a cake for my friend who has a birthday today.

Louise says, walking up to the counter.

- Oh right, I'll call our pastry chef.

Says the clerk.

The clerk calls for the confectioner, where she starts talking to Louise about how the cake would be, the Du Nord opted for a chocolate cake with vanilla where it would be written on the top a "Happy Birthday Diana", it would be a two-story cake, with some strawberries around and also a candle to match, everything well done and with all the care in the world. The cake would be ready around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so it would be perfect for Francesa to come after the afternoon classes were over.

- It will only be one pound.

Says the confectioner.

Louise hands the confectioner a one pound coin, the clerk makes out the invoice for the cake and hands it to Du Nord stamping it and marking that it was paid for, then the two quickly return to Luna Nova, where Diana was eating lunch at the table alone. The two quickly meet the girl and she smiles at them both.

- Where were you? The girls didn't stop surrounding me wishing me a happy birthday.

Diana says.

- Hilda and I went out into the city for a bit, but it was no big deal.

Says Louise.

- Oh I see, it must be something connected with my birthday, I guess... They don't need that much attention, just being my friends is already a great gift.

Diana says.

- Oh yes, Diana, I want to do something special for you... Because I think you're special.

Says Louise as Diana began to laugh with embarrassment.

The girls then stood chatting and eating a little while Margaret looked at them from afar and was even a little angry to see that Diana blushed at what Louise said, becoming envious of the girl, even more so since the sexual tension between the two was much more diminished, becoming more of a friendly relationship and possibly going to become something more, since it was giving traces of a probable romance. The trio of the red team also found something strange and that was the absence of Elisabeth and Anne, whom Margaret lied a little saying that they were sick and even falsified a doctor's note in the infirmary so that they would be out of class all day, which was already very strange.

The hours went by, the afternoon classes went by, Magareth at that period left early using the excuse that she had a stomach ache. After the classes were over, the girls from the red team left the class and from there Hilda and Louise said goodbye to Diana since they were going to the city to pick up the cake, and Cavendish went to her room, but she was soon received by Elisabeth and Anne who were a little dirty with flour. Making the Scottish girl very strange about the situation.

The Fertility Stone and the three Diana CavendishWhere stories live. Discover now