"Go find yourself a girl," Ben pressed. "Maybe you'll end up being as happy and soppy and we are. Right, my darling love?" You pretneded to think for a moment, but then Ben started lightly tickling your sides. "Yes! Yes! Okay!" You laughed. "Very happy and very soppy," you agreed. Unfortunately, Tom heard Ben say this next part. "And a very great shag." You playfully scoffed and hit his arm. 

Tom wanted to throw up. 

"I am going to go find Amanda," you told Ben. "We have some things to talk about." He quirked an eyebrow at you and said, "Oh? What would those things entail?" You simply tapped your nose and started to walk away, but not before Ben lightly smacked your butt. You gave him a glare, but he just blew you a kiss. 

He watched you go, and then sighed happily. He turned to Tom and asked, "So...no lucky lady with you here tonight? Really?" Tom ordered another drink and said, "Really. I mean, I...no, never mind." Ben sat next to him on a barstool and begged, "Tell me! There is a woman here, you're just afriad to make a move on her!" Tom looked questionably at his friend, as Ben explained, "Playing Sherlock Holmes really rubs off on you. But come on, spill it out!" 

Tom sighed and told him, "Well...yes, okay, but I have a reason for not saying anything to her." Ben encouraged him to go on with an impatient nod of his head. "She's in a relationship," Tom explained. "They've been dating for a while and...they're happy together. But I still can't help myself falling for her." 

Ben patted Tom's back and said something Tom would have never expected his friend to hear. "Go for it, anyways." Tom gave him a double take. "What? Why?" He asked. Ben ordered himself a drink, before leaning in and saying, "[Y/N] was in a relationship when I first met her. I knew she was with someone, yet I went for it anyways. There's nothing wrong with playing the field a bit, checking out the wrangled fish. It's only human, Tom. And God knows that if I didn't go for it, I'd probably be stuck here by myself or with some tedious model that wouldn't eat for days on end just to look good in front of people here." 

He took a sip from his drink and continued, "My point is, how do you know she won't want you more than this wanker she's going out with? This cold be the future mother of your children, your wife, you never know! And if it doesn't work out, then there are plenty more women out there. No harm, no foul. Unless the bloke she's going out with finds out that you tried to make a move on his girlfriend, then there might be a little harm." 

Or a lot, Tom thought, because she's your girlfriend and will be your fiance by tomorrow morning.  

A little while later, you and Ben had secured a booth and were completely wrapped up in each other. He'd lightly skim his finger up your thigh, while whispering how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, and what he wanted to do to you when he got you home. You fiddled with each other's fingers, shared sweet, affectionate kisses and caresses, and stared at each other adoringly. 

Tom, in the meantime was taking in every word that Ben had said to him. Sure, he hadn't told Ben who it was that he had fallen for, but what would be the harm in trying? After all, Ben did give him the advice. If he could just get you alone, he knows you won't babble to Ben because Ben would kill Tom and you wouldn't want that. The only real harm would be a blow to the ego. 

He saw you and Ben getting up to leave and knew all hope was lost. That was, until, Ben left you in the lobby to make a quick run to the restroom. Had Tom known that Ben actually went in there to calm his nerves and practice what to say to you in front of the mirror, before asking you to marry him...Tom probably wouldn't have done what he did. 

First, he went up to you and you said your usual peppy "hello", before making small talk. When it was his turn to change the subject on to matters that concerned him and you, he stumbled a bit. You were his best friend's girlfriend and he knew you were bound to say yes when Ben asks you to marry him tonight. Which is why he didn't say anything. Instead...

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