part 96

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noah: finally
you: sorry i take longer than normal because i had a crying kid

i laugh and we get in the car. we get to the studio and start filming. while on break i see a missed call from josh so i call hi. back.

you: hey
josh: hey i was just wondering-

i hear carson crying and jordan yelling

josh: i was just wondering if you guys have a spare key or something. i'm gonna take the kids for a walk and- jordan stop!

jordan stops yelling but carson is still crying.

josh: i don't wanna leave the house unlocked but i need to be able to get back in
you: there should be an extra key in the jar in the kitchen counter

i wait a minute

josh: ok i found it. thanks
you: ya. do- do you need me to come home? it sounds-
josh: no no we are all good. have fun. i love you baby
you: love you too

i hang up and finish my break before going back to filming. filming ended early today so we got home at like 5. i go to find josh. he's sitting on the bed in my room watching tv while carson naps on his chest and jordan plays on his tablet next to josh. i go sit next to jordan

you: hey buddy
jordan: hi mommy

i lean over his head and kiss josh's cheek.

you: jordan were you good today?

he nods

josh: jordan colby

jordan then shakes his head no before getting up to go to the bathroom. i scoot closer to josh

you: what'd he do?
josh: the little shit- i mean jordan

i laugh a little

josh: well i took his tablet so we could go on a walk and he screamed at me. then i took it from him for good and put it on a high shelf. and then he started throwing a tantrum. i got him to go in the walk. we got lunch and he was fine. but when we got back he wouldn't shut up so i gave him the damn tablet
you: you shouldn't have given it to him
josh: i know. i just didn't know what else to do. normally you or my mom take care of this stuff. i'm never alone with him all day.

i nod. jordan comes out of the bathroom and sits back on the bed. i grab his tablet before he can.

jordan: mommy!
you: you don't get this back until your good. tomorrow your gonna listen to daddy. if your good you can have it back. understand?

he sighs and nods

you: why don't you go find uncle noah or something

he nods and runs off.

josh: i don't know why but i just- i can't yell at him. i'm always at hockey and he doesn't see me as often as he should. i feel bad if i were to yell at him.
you: josh your gonna see him more than i'm going to now. i know your mom and sister take care of him a lot but you need not go so easy on him. ya you were always they one he wouldn't see but now i only see you guys once a month. so i know how you feel but you gotta discipline him

he nods. carson wakes up and we go to the living room.


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