part 66

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jordan smiles his adorable little smile.

you: my boys

i kiss josh softly and hug jordan.

charli: helloooooo love birds

we laugh.

bryce: when are you gonna give jordan his cakeee?
josh: once our pare-

just then out parents walk in and hug us.

mom: happy birthday jordan
mrs: aww let us hold our grandson
will: happy birthday jordan!!

we all head to the kitchen and josh sets jordan in his height chair. i pull a little cake from the fridge and set it in front of jordan. liv puts a bib on him. addison and noah pull out their cameras and video.

josh: go ahead kid

he laughs. suddenly jordan puts his hands in the cake and then into his mouth. we all laugh and josh wraps his arms around me kissing my head. we all laugh and watch as jordan plays in the cake and smashes it to his face. josh still is wrapped around me. finally he let's go to pick jordan up. jordan pushes his hands into josh's face getting cake on him.

josh: aw come on you can't do it to me and not mommy

josh laughs and holds jordan up to my face while jordan rubs his messy hands on my face making me laugh. now josh jordan and i are all covered in cake. then jordan sticks his hands in my hair.

you: ok let's get cleaned up
josh: ya before he touches my hair
charli: everything is ab your hair

we all laugh and josh jordan and i head upstairs to clean off. i had to take a whole shower since there was cake in my hair. before i get in i'm in the bathroom getting undressed when jodh walks in. i'm in my bra and underwear and josh comes up to me running his hands up and down my sides.

josh: you are so beautiful. i love you mrs richards

again. major butterflies. his lips attach to my neck. i wanna pull away but i don't. slight moans slip out of my mouth.

you: j- josh. b- baby

he pulls away but his hands are still roaming up and down my sides.

you: not today. it's jordan's birthday. i'm sorry

he pecks my lips

josh: i wasn't gonna do anything more. don't worry baby.

he kisses me cheek and goes downstairs. i shower and get dressed. it's kinda cold out so i wear leggings and one of josh's hoodies and head down.

you: what time does your game start josh?
josh: i gotta be there in 20
you: ok i'll go dress jordan warm.

i take jordan from blake and take him upstairs to change him. i put on his cute little sweatpants that say still softish. he has them to match josh's. it's cute. and then i throw his little sweatshirt on him. i grab a few blankets and put them in the diaper bag and go down.

bryce: still softish

i laugh.

will: what does still softish mean?
josh: i- um we better get going

we all laugh and get in a bunch of separate cars. noah and millie ride with josh and i. they are in the back with jordan. once we arrive we all stand in the parking lot.

you: your gonna do great babe

i press a kiss on his lips. he then kissed jordan's head. he goes off and the 16 (yes 16) of us go to sit down. addison bryce blake charli mads jaden my mom my dad michelle john will olivia noah millie jordan and me. we took up a lot of space. i could see jordan getting cold so i wrapped him in a blanket. i'm talking with my parents when we see all the players go on the ice. i spot josh. number 34. he looks up at me and blows a kiss and i smile. they start playing.

by the end of the game josh's team is losing. but only by a point. no one is scoring anymore. after a few minutes josh gets the puck and shoots it and makes the winning shot. we all cheer. we all meet him in the parking lot in his oversized jersey and sweatpants.

you: told you you'd do great

he kisses my forehead. we all congratulate him and head home. my parents are staying with the richards once again and all our friends and noah and millie stay with us.


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