part 36

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nessas pov~


we live in a huge beach house with noah and millie who are still dating. we finished filming today. we head home tomorrow. i'm scared for my life. after a few months bryce and i stopped keeping in touch with everyone. it got too hard. now i'm 19 and bryce is 22. meaning mads and josh are 19. charli is 17. blake is 20. and addison is 21. i miss them and can't wait to see them. but i'm scared. scared of what josh and addison are gonna think of.......

bryce: babe. we gotta finish packing
you: ya ya ik

i laugh and he kisses my head. ik weird and unexpected right? shotgun and ms chop your dick off are dating. we are really happy too. we have been dating for about 7 months now. the first 5 were us struggling with being away from josh and addison. then we started to get feelings for eachother. we were all we both had besides noah and millie. bryce and i still joke around like we always have but now we are sweet to one another too. i'm scared to go back though. i can't wait to see everyone but what ab josh and addison? will josh hate me for moving on? will addison hate me for dating the guy she loved and maybe still loves? josh and i promised eachother we wouldn't put our lives on paused for one another. and one day maybe we could be together again. i hope he doesn't hate me. i still love him. a lot. but i've moved onto bryce now.

you: bryce do you think they are gonna be mad?
bryce: i don't know. but i hope not. don't worry too much.

i nod and kiss him. noah comes in.

noah: we are coming to LA with you for a few weeks for the premier which will be in LA
you: yay!!!

so in our movie noah and millie and bryce and i are the main characters. noah and millie have a love story. and so do bryce and i. that's another reason we are together. the directors thought it'd be a good idea to be like "dating" for publicity once the movie comes out. but now we really are dating. i've posted pics on instagram with him. but our friends back in LA haven't suspected we are dating. they just think we are still friends. no one knows we are dating besides millie and noah. that night i lay with bryce in bed. while he sleeps i stay up worrying ab going back. i decide to post on instagram.

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