part 77

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i out concealer on my neck over the hickey then on my jaw. the one on my jaw was really hard to cover. i'm just in leggings and a bra. josh walks in still shirtless may i add holding carson bouncing her.

josh: look at your sexy mommy

he smiles at me and i turn away from him to finish getting ready. he just stands there admiring me. until i put my shirt on.

josh: no no no.
you: i need a shirt joshua
josh: well you look better without one
you: shutup and put a dang shirt on

i take carson from josh's arms and go into the room lying on the bed with jordan.

you: hi buddy
jordan: mommy

josh comes in pulling his jersey over his messy hair.

josh: ah i'm rubbing off on you. bUddY

he says it in a weird voice making me laugh.

you: what time do we have to be at the arena
josh: i gotta be there by 2. you guys can come when the game starts or with me. i'd prefer if you came with me so i can help you guys get in and stuff.
you: ok. what time is it
josh: 12 o'clock baby
you: ok. wanna go to lunch?
josh: ya i'll get jordan ready

i get up and dress carson and wet her little bits of hair. grabbing her stuff like diaper bag and bottles. i get her set in the stroller. jodh comes over putting jordan in too. he hands jordan his bear, sippy cup, and puffs. he starts pushing the stroller while grabbing my hand. we make it outside and make out way to the subway. we sit but josh pulls me onto the lap with the stroller next to us.

josh: i love you my wife
you: i love you too joshyyyy

he hates me calling him that.

josh: shut your mouth and kiss me.

he pulls my chin towards him but then i pull away smiling.

you: nope. not til after you game
josh: i can't wait that long
you: your a big boy. actually you don't act like one

he tickles me. the subway stops and we get off and walk to in n out for lunch. after we get our food we sit at an inside table with the kids.

you: sooo first game of the seasonnn
josh: ya. i got you and the kids front row seats and i have a surprise for you when we get there.
you: josh-
josh: ik ik. you hate surprises but this is a good one

i sigh and we eat. josh feeds carson too.

josh: come on


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