part 64

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millie: can you gimme a tour?

she laughs and i nod. we show them the basement living room family room kitchen 4 guest rooms me and josh's room and jordan's room.

millie: i officially want your life. your house and. your baby to be specific
josh: your literally on a famous tv series.

we laugh. all of us hang out all day having fun. they are obsessed with jordan. my parents texted saying they went straight to the richards since they are staying there. at night after putting jordan to bed josh and i go lay in our bed. i'm sitting on his lap facing him with a leg on each side of his lap. his arms are wrapped around my legs holding the bottoms of my thighs.

josh: have you ever thought of having another kid?
you: josh-
josh: just think. jordan could have a sibling. we could have a daughter or another son.
you: josh. we are only 21. we are finally starting to sleep at night with jordan being a year old. of course i wanna have kids with you and i love you very much but i think we should wait a little.
josh: but think baby. we could have 2 beautiful children. and if we were to have a kid soon them and jordan would only be like 2 years apart.
you: we are both finishing our first year of college and we already struggle to take care of just jordan. your parents already do so much for us and i feel like that would be asking too much of them while we are at school during the day.

i caress my hand on his cheek.

josh: i want the world with you. i want a family which we already have but we can expand onto it
you: i'm not opposed to the idea of another baby but i think now isn't the time to try
josh: our lives are a bit of a mess right now with being stressed and shit but i think it would be a great idea.

i sigh.

you: if you really want this josh then we can try.

he looks me in the eyes and can tell ik just giving in because i hate arguing with him.

josh: no it's ok. we can wait. i'll wait as long as you want.
you: thank you.

i press my lips to his and lean my head against him.

you: i'm sorry

he moved his hands from my thighs to my back keeping me close to him.

josh; don't be sorry. i love you
you: i love you too

he kisses my head and we fall asleep. the next morning i'm woken up by josh placing little sweet kisses all over my face making me giggle

you: good morning luv

i kiss him. i feel bad about our talk last night.

josh: let's go get jordan

i smile and we go to jordan's room. josh picks him up as jordan smiles.

josh: hey buddy. your 1 today!!
you: happy birthday bub

i kiss jordan's head and we go downstairs. we go into the living room and i can't fucking believe it.

mads: hey!!

they are all here. i run up and hug everyone and josh side hugs them while he is holding jordan. noah and millie come down and say hi to them.

you: did you two know?
millie: maybeeeee
addison: let me hold jordannnnn

josh hands him over.

charli: happy birthday little guy
jaden: damn he's cute
you: language
bryce: oh shut up *laughs
noah: give me my baby

noah takes him from addison

josh: your baby? yours??

josh whispers to me

josh: this is why we need 2 kids.


josh won't give up on wanting a second baby even though he claims he's ok with not having one yet. 👀

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