part 85

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josh: can you tell me more about me?
you: well i know you prefer burgers over chicken and pizza. you like letting people know i'm yours. um you love to have jordan and carson sleep on your chest. and i know you hate sleeping with a shirt on. you say it's itchy.

i laugh a little.

josh: makes sense. now tell me about you
you: well we are married obviously. i love chick fil a. i used to live in new jersey with my parents. i love this restaurant called saddle ranch that you can only find in LA. i love seeing you being all gentle and caring with the kids.
josh: who's my bestfriend?
you: that would probably be bryce. you guys have just always been closest.
josh: he seems annoying
you: trust me. he is. but that's why you love him

i laugh a little.

josh: when do i get to go home?
you: well they are discharging you later. we are gonna leave LA tomorrow afternoon to head home to canada. you can see your family.

he nods. we talk all day and i try to remind him of everything. we finally get released to go at 4 in the afternoon. i make sure he gets into the car ok. i give him his sunglasses

you: if you put these on the light shouldn't hurt as bad.

he puts them on and pulls his ball cap over his eyes. i drive to sway and we go in.

you: hey
addison: hey. they are upstairs sleeping
you: thanks

i help josh get upstairs and lay down. he puts carson on his chest and lays there.

you: you want anything to eat?
josh: i'm good. thanks. will you just lay with me?

i smile and lay down curling into his side. we lay they're all day and night. the next day we land back in canada. the plane ride gave josh a headache from being loud and bright. before even going back to our house we go to his parents. they all hug josh.

dad: you ok son? you got slammed on tv
you: he has a severe concussion.
josh: babe who are these people

i explain to him. after being with them for a while and helping josh remember we go home.

you: this is our room. i'll be back in a minute after i put the kids to bed.

he nods and i go out the kids to bed and come back. he's lying in bed shirtless. i get ready for bed and lay next to josh. we fall asleep.


his love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora