part 26

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josh's pov~

i'm standing behind bryce who is behind addison. i just heard ness say she's not scared to admit she likes blake. ouch. no! i have a gf and i'm happy. i'm happy with charli. but i miss nessa.

nessas pov~

after the water park we all go home and shower. blakes taking me out. i put on mom jeans and a cute shirt. i head downstairs because that's where he was waiting.

blake: ready?
you: ya

he takes my hand

mads: bye
charli; good luck!

we say bye and leave. in the car we laugh and sing. it was fun. at dinner. it's some casual place.

blake: are you sure your ok with like going out because of josh?

i laugh

you: i'm sure blake

he grabs my hand across the table smiling. we eat and the food was really good.

blake: wanna just go back to the house?
you: sounds good

we head back and the girls all swarms me to ask how it went. blake goes with the guys

mads: how was it??
addison: are y'all dating?
charli: you guys could blessa
addison: ya that's good!
you: we aren't dating *laughs
mads: well y'all should
charli: agreed

they hug me. we go to the living room and sit with the boys. i'm leaning on blake.

mads: so when is taylers party
jaden: tomorrow night
bryce: i'm gonna go swimming all day before we go
addison: i know we got a good pool and haven't used it yet

we laugh.

you: i'm gonna go to beddddd
blake: i'll comes

he stands up and i jump on his back laughing. he just goes along with it and we go upstairs. we fell asleep cuddling. the next day i wake up and put my swimsuit on right away bc i'm gonna be outside all day. i walk out of the bathroom and see blake smiling at me.

you: morning
blake: morning
you: you comin outside
blake: ya lemme change

i nod and he goes and changed then we head outback.

you: dude- how is everyone out here already?
bryce: bc your fat ass loves to sleep
you: go to hell

he flips me off. he's in the pool so i jump in tackling him.

bryce: you ass
you: right back at ya buddy

i smile and get out. the girls are tanning and since i'm already wet i go and stand overtop them.

mads: what the- fuck you!
addison: nessaaaaaa
charli: you suck

i stick my tongue out at them as they dry off. ugh boring. i go over to jaden and josh.

you: ok you losers gotta be more fun than them

i motion to the girls

josh: we are
you: then what are you doing
jaden: waiting for something not boring to happen
you: ugh

i sit down next to jaden.

josh: your grumpy
you: joshua i may not have my dog here with me but we still got knives

i give him a cheesy grin.

josh: you don't have the balls to do it
you: oh really? someone get me a knife. ooh and a suitcase

i grin and jadens eyes go wide.

jaden: i told you no more throwing suitcases down the stairs at people nessa!
you: you guys are so boring i'm going with blake and bryce

i stand up and then i'm football tackled into the pool. i pop my head out of the water.

you: joshua. kenneth. mother. fucking. richards.
bryce: ooh she used the full name
josh: ok JANESSA barrett
you: someone get me a fucking knife!

i yell and then feel two arms around my face.

blake: damn why you so loud
you: because you all annoy me

i smile

josh: oh trust me you annoy us just as much

i glare at him

bryce: ya your obnoxious
you: you can't talk mr i cry when i'm high
bryce: shut up

we all laugh. blake still has his arms around me.

you: ok ok enough i can't be nice for this long

i laugh.

josh: you call this being nice? *laughs
you: no but there was a time where i was nice to everyone. at different times. i was nice to the girls the first few months. i was nice to jaden for like a month. nice to josh when we dated. nice to blake like yesterday. and bryce. oh poor bryce. since day one we have been at each others throats

i act like i'm tearing up and then i laugh.

bryce: yep we are so nice to eachother
blake: so am i the only one your actually nice to now?

he laughs and so do i

you: well sometimes i am to the girls so ya.
blake: i feel so special

he laughs. he hugs me and kisses my head.

blake: oh um sorry josh i forgot-
josh: nah it's good man


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