part 51

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i go after them.

you: i'm sorry
addison: we get it. it's fine
you: i can tell your not fine
bryce: well our bestfriends are moving to canada with their kid. we won't even get to meet him for a while
you: you guys can come stay whenever. we have 4 extra rooms. i'm sorry. i wanted to tell you guys earlier but i was scared this would happen.
addison: i'm not mad i just don't want you guys to leave
you: ik. we don't wanna be away for everyone but it's best. plus if we stay i'll be around bryce too much and i'll swear at him around jordan

we all laugh a little. we hug and josh comes and joins the hug making us laugh.

bryce: i'm gonna miss you ya little shit

he messes with my hair. we all laugh and go back down. we all hangout enjoying life.

3 weeks later

josh and i have been slowly packing all our stuff and having it sent up. jordan is due in a month. today is the day josh and i leave for canada. right now we are at the airport struggling to say bye to everyone.

first charli and blake

you: i'm gonna miss you both. you gotta come visit
charli: well duh
blake: i can't wait to see jordan

we hug. now mads and jaden

jaden: don't leave me bub
mads: it's gonna be weird without you here again but this time for longer than a year

i'm tearing up

you: visit whenever you feel like it.
jaden: mhm

we all hug. josh says goodbye to blake jaden mads and charli. now for the hardest ones. addison and bryce. josh and i stand before them with tears in our eyes.

addison: good luck next month. you'll make a great mom
bryce: and you'll make a great dad josh
you: you guys need to visit all the time. idk how i'm gonna live with josh and no girls besides olivia being down the street
josh: babe we gotta go

we hug them tight and say our final goodbyes. on the plane i sit there with my head on josh's shoulder and his hand on my now big stomach.

josh: you ready?
you: mhm

he kisses my head. after a 6 hour flight we get off the plane and go hug his parents who were waiting for us.

you: hii!!!
mrs: how are you doing nessa?
you: jordan kicks every once and a while but i'm good.

liv hugs me.

liv: i'm so close to being an aunttttt

i laugh and hug will and john. they drive us to our new house where we had josh's car shipped to about 2 weeks ago. they drop us off and tell us to get settled and come for dinner later. we go in.

you: it seems so big in here for 3 people
josh: ya but will and liv and my mom will mostly be over a lot to help with the baby

i smile thinking that this is our new life. engagaed living with my fiancé and our soon to be born baby in canada. wow. (forgot to mention josh and i turned 20 a little bit ago) since it came fully furnished and mostly decorated and josh and i liked all of it, we didn't have to do much. just our clothes and i wanted to move a few things around. i go to pick up this little end table but josh stops me.

josh: baby you aren't lifting anything
you: i got it josh
josh: no. i don't want you or the baby getting hurt. where do you want this

i laugh a little and tell him. he puts it on the other side of the couch.

you: thank you

he nods

you: we should go start to unpack our stuff
josh: let's go check out jordan's room real quick

i smile and we go up.

you: this is so cute! your mom and sister did such a good job!

i hug him.


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