part 61

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you: you didn't tell your parents ab hockey
josh: oh. ya i'll just tell them tonight.
you: ok

we get home and i get jordan from his car seat to head inside.

you; babe will you grab the soap from the cabinet?
josh: ya

i undress jordan and put his little thing in the sink to bathe him. josh comes over with the body wash

you: thank you
josh: i've got him
you: no it's ok.

josh helps me anyway. once we are done i take jordan to his room to dress him. he's starting to get a rash on his back.

you: josh

josh comes in

you: can you call the doctor? jordan has a rash on his back
josh: ya

he goes and calls the doctor while i try to dress jordan. he cries because the shirt is rubbing on the rash. i pick him up bouncing.

you: shhh. it's ok

josh comes back in

josh: we can take him now
you: ok.

i wrap jordan in a blanket and we go to the car. josh straps him in and we drive to the hospital.

josh: he's ok babe
you: ya your probably right

we get to the hospital and go in the waiting room. josh is holding jordan who is crying.

josh: hey bud. shhhhh

the doctor comes out

doctor: we can take you now

we head back to a room with the doctor. she takes jordan and lays him down gently on the table

doctor: so where is the rash?
you: on his back

she picks him up and takes the blanket off running her hand over the rash.

doctor: just looks like a rub rash. just don't dress him for the next few days. just a blanket. and put this cream on it
josh: ok. thank you

she wraps jordan back in his blanket and hands him go josh. we get back in the car and drive home. i go up to the room and when i come down josh and jordan are both passed out on the couch. jordan sleeping on josh's chest. i fucking love these two. i go in the kitchen and ft addison.

addison: hey!! how's it going?
you: good you?
addison: things are good. just wish you were here. so where are josh and jordan

i laugh and walk into the living room holding my phone up so addison can see jordan and josh sleeping.

addison: awww

i smile and go back into the kitchen

addison: so how's college
you: it's actually pretty good except josh and i are exhausted. we have school in the day homework in the evening and we don't get much sleep at night because of jordan.
addison: it'll get easier
you: oh and now josh wants to play hockey again
addison: that sounds fun. but now y'all are gonna be even more busy
you: probably but it makes him happy
addison: your so sweet

we talk for a little and then she had to go. josh and i have to get ready for dinner anyway. i go to wake him. i kneel down and and press my lips to his.

you: wake up baby. we gotta get ready for dinner

he groans. i take jordan from his arms.

you: come on

he groans and gets up. i got to jordans room and lay him in his crib while we go to get ready. i go to me and josh's room and he is rummaging through his closet shirtless. i go behind him and hug him.

you: hey baby
josh: hey princess
you: did you text your mom where we are going?
josh: ya just did.
you: ok

i get changed and josh puts a shirt on.

josh: did you put the creme on jordan's rash?
you: shit i forgot
josh: i'll go do it. meet me downstairs when your done

he goes to jordan's room. i finish getting ready and head downstairs. josh is by the door holding jordan.

josh: ready babe?
you: ya

we go to the car and josh puts jordan in his seat. then he gets in the drivers seat and starts driving.

josh: have you talked to your parents lately?
you: texted but not called or anything. we haven't seen them in a few months
josh: they should come up soon
you: i can talk to them but idk if they can take off work
josh: oh. ya

we get to the restaurant and i get jordan from his seat. we go in and get a table. minutes later josh's family comes in. jordan is in a height chair between josh and i. will sits next to josh. his parents and liv are across. once we ordered we sit there talking.

josh: so i'm thinking ab joining the hockey team at the college
mr: that's great. you used to be so good
liv: ya i remember going to all your games. you were actually good
josh: ha ha so funny liv

they make an annoyed face at eachother

mrs: you two stop it
josh: but-
mr: no

the food comes and of course jordan starts crying. he probably needs a new diaper.

you: josh will you hand me the diaper bag?

he hands me it.

you: i'll be back
liv: i'll come help
you: it's ok-
liv: let's go

i laugh as i pick jordan up and liv and i head to the bathroom. we go in the big stall with the pull out changing table. i unwrap him from the blanket.

liv: what's on his back?
you: he just has a little rub rash.
liv: ah.


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