part 74

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you: who do you want tonight?
josh: i'll take jordan i guess
jordan: mommy!

that's still the only word he says. i laugh.

josh: nevermind. you got jordan tonight.

i laugh. josh sits on one bed with the kids while i get ready for bed. i come out of the bathroom and he's shirtless holding carson. i go over to him while smiling.

you: goodnight babe

i softly kiss him and pick up jordan. i take him over to our bed and get under the covers. i look over and see josh smiling at me with carson sleeping on his chest. i smile and kiss jordan's head and fall asleep. the next morning i'm woken to josh's alarm at 6 AM. he has a lot of practice today. hearing the alarm made carson start to cry. josh stands up holding and bouncing her.

josh: shhhh it's ok. it was just an alarm kiddo. shhh

he is so good with the kids. he comes over bringing her to me so he can go get showered. i can't fall back asleep. once he's done showering he comes back in the room in just sweats. i watch him throw his loose jersey over his shirtless body. he rubs his hand through his wet hair then puts on his socks and shoes. he comes over laying down facing me with me but on top the covers. his hand goes onto my cheek.

you: good luck
josh: thanks. meet me at the arena for lunch at noon?
you: ya
josh: goodbye. i love ya princess
you: love you too

he kisses me and gets up and leaves. i close my eyes for a little until carson gets fussy. i quickly get up trying to calm her down before she wakes jordan. i heat up her bottle and feed her. suddenly i hear jordan in a sleepy voice

jordan: mommy

i go and sit next to him while still feeding carson.

you: hey buddy

oh god i'm turning into josh.

jordan: daddy?

that makes me smile. josh will be happy when he knows jordan can say that.

you: daddy's at work kiddo

he leans on me.

you: we will see him in a little.

i put carson in her carrier and carry that and jordan to the bathroom and fill the tub. i set her carrier next to the tub while i bathe jordan. carson starts crying.

you: hold on jordan one second.

carson dropped her pacifier on the floor. now i have to wash it off. while i'm doing it jordan starts splashing in the tub.

you: one second jordan. hold on.

i give carson her binky back. i go back to bathing jordan. when he's done i dry him off and dress him. i then dress carson. it's only 10. i just realized i can't even shower because i can't leave these two unsupervised. shit. i decide i'm just gonna take them on a walk. after throwing on a sports bra and leggings i get them both in our double stroller. i put jordan in the front where he can sit and look forward. i place carson in the top part facing me and cover her from the sun with a blanket. i put jordan's zippy cup and puffs on the tray in front of him. and give him his bear. i grab the diaper bag and carson's bottle and head to the elevator. once we get on the elevator. that bitch emma gets on.

emma: oh your that girl. where's your bf
you: he's my husband
emma: i don't buy it. you guys are too young to be married with two kids.
you: well we are
emma: your probably just lying so i stay away from him
you: not really but tell yourself what you want.

i just roll my eyes at her and get off the elevator. i walk the kids along the sidewalks. we pass a starbucks so i push the stroller in and go get an iced coffee. once i pay i grab my drink go back to walking them outside. some guy comes up to me.


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