part 70

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another 2 months pass.

we are all at josh's hockey game. he has gotten really really good. he scores the winning goal. again! after the game we go to meet him in the parking lot. i have carson and john has jordan. we see josh talking to some man and then they shake hands. josh comes over and pecks my lips.

michelle: you did great
liv: ya who knew you were good at anything

we all laugh.

you: who was that guy?
josh: he just um told me i played great

i nod but i don't believe it. i'll just ask him when we are home. finally we get back and put jordan and carson to bed. josh and i are on the couch.

you: so what was that guy really talking to you ab
josh: he said i'm good
you: what else josh. i know when your hiding something
josh: he um he wants me to play for the ottawa senators
you: that's amazing josh!!!
josh: i told him i'll get back to him.
you: why wouldn't you say yes?!
josh: i don't know if i'm gonna take it
you: why?
josh: ness we have two kids. jordan's only almost 3. and carson is almost only 1. playing for a national hockey team like that means a lot of traveling. i can't leave you guys here. and for you guys to come with me we would have to take them on like 2 planes a week.
you: we can figure something out. but josh this is an amazing chance. i know you hate your business classes. tiktok isn't gonna help us forever. ya we still get good money from it but it's not guaranteed forever.
josh: we can't be in a different state every week. and i can't leave you and our kids here for months.
you: i know you wanna take the offer. you love hockey
josh: ya i do but i love you guys more.
you: josh.

i place my hands on his cheeks.

you: take the offer. we will work out what to do.
josh: but-
you: call the guy and take the job.
josh: baby-
you: i know you want to take it. we will figure out what we are gonna do.

he nods and pulls out his phone as i lay my head on his chest. he calls the guy. i can hear what he's saying.

josh: hey don this is joshua richards
don: hey josh have you made a decision?
josh: um ya. i have. i'd like to play for the senators
don: that's great! the team is in toronto this week. practice at the college tomorrow and thursday at 4
josh: i'll be there. thank you

he hangs up.

josh: babe
you: you'll be doing something you love. and it makes you happy

i rub my hand on his chest and he kisses my head. i hear crying from carson's monitor.

you: i'll get her

i go to carson's room and pick her up trying to calm her down. i'm bouncing and rocking her in my arms. then i hear jordan crying in the next room. while still bouncing carson i go to jordan's room and pick him up holding them both.

you: it's ok. shhhh

this is already hard. when josh travels for hockey it's just gonna be me and them. i have his family but we ask too much of them already. josh comes in probably because he heard jordan upset on the monitor downstairs. he comes and takes jordan.

josh: you ok?
you: mhm

we calm them down and put them back to bed. then we go to sleep. the next day i wake up and get jordan bc he's always awake early. i carry him down and place him in his height chair. and start making a smoothie. i know josh doesn't like them so i make him some coffee. for my smoothie i do strawberries ice protein powder blueberries honey and banana. i blend it and pour it in a cup. i grab jordan's apple sauce and sit and feed him while i drink my smoothie.

you: here comes the airplane jordannn

i feed him. he's so cute. suddenly i feel arms go around my waist and lips attach to my neck.

you: j- josh

i enjoy it but i have to pull away.

you: josh not while jordan is sitting here.

he sighs and gets his coffee sitting next to me.

you: so you ready for practice today? 
josh: ya. kinda nervous though. i'm literally gonna be on my favorite hockey team. i'm gonna be the youngest one. they are all like 27-35. i'm 22. and they have been playing forever. i played when i was little and i've played for the last year but the like 4-5 years i was in LA i didn't play.
you: you'll do great. they will love you. trust me.

i peck his lips. carson's monitor goes off with her crying. josh goes to get her. he comes back down with her in his arms. he's such a good dad and husband. he warms her bottle while i finish feeding jordan. josh sits down with the warm milk and carson in his arms as he feeds her.


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