part 67

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after everyone goes to bed jordan is sleeping in josh's arms on the couch.

josh: ready for bed?

i nod. with he puts me on his back while jordan is in his arms.

you: i can walk ya know *laughs
josh: ya but i like carrying you

i laugh and he goes to our room and let's me down.

you: here i'll take jordan to his room

i take jordan from josh's arms.

josh: nooooo can he sleep in here
you: fine

i laugh while josh takes off his shirt. once he does he lays down and i rest jordan on his chest while i get ready for bed. i then lay down next to josh and he pulls me into his arms.

you: i love you
josh: i love you too princess

he kisses my lips softly and we fall asleep. one month later. all our family and friends went back home except josh's family of course. josh and i have had sex twice this month trying to get pregnant. it hasn't worked either time and i can tell he's disappointed. when we do it we always give jordan to josh's parents for the night. no one knows that we are trying to have a baby. mads only knows that josh wanted one from out talk in the kitchen on jordan's birthday but she doesn't know we are trying. right now jordan is at josh's parents and josh and i are at the counter eating dinner.

josh: why isn't it working?
you: i'm not sure. we can try one more time and if it doesn't work maybe then go to the doctors
josh: ok.

we finish eating and i do the dishes. once i'm done we go up to try. this time he went harder than he ever has before. after that i lie down in his arms rubbing his cheek.

josh: i really hope it works
you: it's ok babe. ik you really want this.
josh: i just- i just really want this with you
you: i know baby

i kiss him softly and we fall asleep cuddling.

4 days later

i'm gonna try to take the tests today. jordan is upstairs sleeping and josh is lying on the couch watching tv. i go in the bathroom and do 2 tests. i wait a few minutes and finally they are done. both say pregnant. i smile so big as i go downstairs and lay on top of josh.

josh: hey princess
you: hi babe
josh: what's up
you: it worked. i'm pregnant.

a huge smile forms on his face as he pulls me down into a passionate kiss.

josh: i love you
you: i love you too baby

after a while of talking we realize we should go tell his family. we get jordan and head over. liv and will take jordan to play on the floor and josh and i stand at the kitchen table with his parents.

john: what's going on?
you: we have news
michelle: what is it?
you: josh really wanted another baby. we have been trying all month but nothing.
michelle: i'm so sorry
josh: ness means nothing til now *smiles
john: so your pregnant?

i smile and nod. they hug us and congratulate us. josh and i go sit on the floor with will liv and jordan.

you: hey
liv: everything ok?
josh: we are having another baby
liv: that's great!!
will: so jordan's gonna be a big brother?
you: ya

we hangout there for a bit and then josh and i take jordan home. as soon as we get there we all my parents, then our friends, then noah and millie. they all congratulate us.


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