part 75

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guy: hey your cute. can i get your number?
you: sorry i'm married
guy: oh. wow your young
you: ya i'm only 22 and a half
guy: and you have 2 kids? i give you credit *laughs
you: thanks *laughs
guy: so where is your husband?
you: he's at hockey practice. he's on the ottawa senators.
guy: no way. wait is he that new guy that's the youngest on the team??
you: that's him
guy: that's so cool
you: sorry i have to get going. bye
guy: oh. bye

i walk off and get on the subway to downtown. once we are there i walk to the arena where josh is waiting outside.

you: hey baby
josh: hello princess

he kisses me.

you: jordan tell daddy what new word you learned to say!
jordan: daddy!!

josh gets the biggest smile ever

josh: finally *laughs

we walk to a nearby restaurant and sit down and order.

you: so how was practice so far?
josh: good. the arena is awesome.
you: i can't wait to see you play tomorrow.
josh: you guys can come to the arena while we finish practicing today and watch. if you want
you: that sounds fun

i pick up carson and feed her a bottle. we order and we just got jordan mac and cheese so josh feeds him. once we are all done josh pays and we put the kids back in the stroller. he pushes it while holding one of my hands. we get to the arena and go in. after walking through the hallways we get to the seating. josh walks us down to the front row. we left the stroller in the hallway.

josh: i gotta go practice i'll be back in a little.

he pecks my lips and rubs back to the hallway to get down to the ice. minutes later i watch all the playing including josh skate onto the ice with their sticks.

you: jordan there's daddy

jordan smiles. he's sitting on my leg while i have my arm holding him and my other arm is cradling carson. we sit there for like and hour and a half watching. carson and jordan are asleep on me. all the players head off the ice and minutes later i feel a pair of lips on my cheek.

you: you did so good!
josh: thanks *laughs

he grabs carson while i puck jordan up. we head back to the hallway to get the stroller.

josh: some of the guys are going for dinner and drinks. they asked me to go and said you guys can come too. you down?
you: ya let's go

he smiles as we get the kids in the stroller. we walk out and to a restaurant around the corner. we go in and i see a bunch of people in jerseys as josh waves to them. we go over and sit. josh puts jordan in his height chair and holds carson.


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