Margareth tries to run

Start from the beginning

- What? Resisting won't make you get beaten any less, you bastard! Resisting only makes me want to torture you even more, you breeding mistake!

Says Keith getting angry while Margaret was silent.

- I'll make you pay, you bastard! You will never cause my person any pain! That's for what you did to Meredith!

Says Margareth

Margaret was extremely enraged and slams the stick hard into her father's stomach, who takes a few steps backwards in pain, then Ford spins that piece of wood and hits Keith laterally in the head, who falls to the ground, but was still conscious and tried to get up, but was kicked in the face by his own daughter.

- Where do you think you are going? Now you're the one who gets beaten! Does it feel good when you get your back handed to you? You bastard son of a bitch!

Says Margaret kicking Keith who was lying on the ground.

- Margareth! Ahhh! You! You wretch! I'll show no mercy in the next beating! You'll suffer like never before! Don't think you'll get away with it this time! Ahhhh!

Says Keith as Margaret thrashed him.

- Fuck, that's if you find me! I am a witch! I can fly on a broom faster than any human invention! I Margaret Ford am a witch! A lesbian witch! I don't like men and my only love interest is Diana Cavendish! The same one you wanted to take advantage of too, you sick old man!

Says Margareth.

Margaret hits her father on the head with a stick, making him fall faint on the floor and says "That's for my mother", leaving the office furious and going to her room where she gets her bag with her things and a broom, going as fast as possible towards the Cavendish family residence, she didn't want to stay in the Ford family residence even one day, that was the definitive moment for Ford to run away to freedom. After an hour and a half of broomstick flying, Margaret was in Weddinburgh and already spotted the Cavendish family mansion. She arrived there quickly, landed, and ran towards the girls, even being noticed by the maids who were shocked by the girl's appearance. Until she arrives in the living room and runs into Meredith and Diana, both of them are shocked to see the brunette there.

- Margareth?

The two said as Margareth was panting and crying.

Margaret runs toward the two who stand up and hug them tightly, crying on Meredith's chest who begins to caress the girl, Diana also does the same and the two do not understand anything.

- What are you doing here Margareth?

Says Meredith worriedly.

- I am tired! I don't want to see you suffer anymore! I don't want to see you in my family's home anymore! I don't want my father to mistreat me anymore... Meredith... Adopt me, please... I promise to be a good girl. I promise I won't be any trouble... I promise I'll even pay for the expenses! Please Meredith! Let me stay... I don't want to go back there.

Says Margaret pleadingly while holding tightly onto the sleeves of Meredith's dress.

Meredith was somewhat silent and in shock to hear and see that reaction from Margaret, the girl was in complete despair and hopeless, then Cavendish smiles at her and puts her hand on Ford's face that was still crying, she wipes her tears and hugs her again, after that hug they look at each other again.

- I really want to adopt you Margareth, you have no idea how hard I tried.... I always visited your house with Diana because I really wanted to see you... Because I wanted you to be close to me and Diana so you wouldn't be mistreated by your father... But he is a very evil man... That... Damn... Why did you... Why... I just wish I could be with you and Diana now... I promised Gabrielle I'd take good care of you...

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