Chapter 79

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Eden sat on the edge of her bed as she waited impatiently for the "surprise" that Gabriel would be bringing her. Aziraphale was downstairs cooking breakfast while Crowley was sitting next to Eden. Gabriel finally entered the room with the surprise hiding behind his back. "Good morning Eden. Crowley."

"Good morning Gabriel." Eden replied as Gabriel gave her a kiss on the cheek then presented her with her surprise.

It was a walking stick. "It's to help you get around until you fully recover."

Eden and Gabriel shared a kiss then Crowley helped Eden rest her just healed arm into a sling. This was also a tremendous help with her injured side.

Eden, with the help of Crowley, limped her way down the stairs. She grimaced at the familiar ache in her stomach but at least now she didn't have to lean on Daddy, Papa, or Gabriel, whenever she had to walk now.

The aroma of delicious food wafted towards Eden's direction and she felt her stomach growl. Gabriel gave her another kiss before he went to the kitchen. Aziraphale came to meet them at the bottom of the stairs and hugged his family close. "Hello my loves, how is the walking stick Little One?"

"It's great, now I don't have to worry about nearly knocking you guys over anymore." Eden said with a smile as Aziraphale led her to the dining table. The table had already been set and she heard Gabriel in the kitchen. Aziraphale helped her to sit down and said, "I made a special breakfast approved by Bella of course, now, I don't want you to gorge yourself in one go and I want you to let us know if your wound starts to hurt." Crowley had gotten a wheelchair and it had been put off to the side for when it would be needed. But for now, Eden made it clear that she wanted to walk around as much as possible, so Gabriel took it upon himself to get her a walking stick.

"Okay Papa." Eden said as Crowley poured her a glass of apple juice. She still had to eat light foods, but at least she didn't have to eat soup anymore, although she still had to drink tea.

Aziraphale kissed her on the cheek , then he quickly returned to the kitchen and with the help of Gabriel, placed the food on the table.

Aziraphale prepared Eden's plate and served her first. "Remember, eat slowly." He reminded gently as Eden slipped her arm out of the sling.

Eden nodded and took a bite out of jelly toast, the first slice she had in forever it seemed, followed by a spoonful of eggs, a sip of juice. It was the most delicious thing she ever tasted.

The fathers and Gabriel watched Eden enjoy her meal, "Aren't you going to eat?" Eden asked, her mouth full of eggs.

"We'll eat in a bit sweetheart." Crowley said. It was so great to have Eden sitting at the table with them again. It was as if things we're almost back to normal. Well, almost normal, Eden had lost quite a bit of weight and her hair was now well below her shoulders. Crowley plopped another portion of eggs on her plate and nudged a blueberry muffin in her direction. Crowley was so glad that she didn't have to have soups anymore; he wanted his daughter to indulge. She deserved it!

Eden cleaned her plate and asked for seconds, which was another great thing. Eden's appetite was indeed back to what it once was. Aziraphale prepared her another plate, even giving her larger portions this time, then they themselves helped themselves to their own breakfast.

It was so nice to have a family meal again. Crowley and Aziraphale grasped each other's hands, their eyes never leaving their daughter.

Gabriel took in every detail of Eden's face, feeling his heart melt. 

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