Chapter 22

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It had been two days since the break up. Eden hadn't left her bedroom. She barely ate or drank anything, she mostly lay on her bed, crying in Aziraphale's arms.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Crowley snarled as he and Azirapahel were in the hallway, talking quietly. He had been furious when Eden finally told them what had happened.

"Crowley, something is clearly not right....we are clearly missing a piece of the puzzle."

"Yeah, and that he was trouble from the start! That wanker has brought nothing but trouble..." Crowley said as he returned to the bedroom and he sat on the bed. Aziraphale returned to the kitchen to prepare something to eat for Eden, hoping she would finally eat something.


"Daddy." Eden sniffled as she turned to face him, her blue eyes red and face tearstained.

"Hey, hey, shhhh, it's okay sweetpea. Come here." Crowley said as he pulled her into his warm embrace. They sat in silence for awhile, until Eden finally said, "I don't understand..."

"What don't you understand love?"

"I wanted to help him...but he...he said those things...why would he do that?"

Crowley felt his heart break. He couldn't bear to see, or hear his little girl sound so...broken....

"I think he did it to protect you...." Crowley admitted, as much as he didn't want to. "He must have gotten a message from his Head Office or would explain why he left the way he did. Although I'm still gonna kick his ass, he had no right to talk to you like that."

Eden rubbed her eyes as she reached for something.

"Wot's this?" Crowley demanded.

"A prophecy from Agnes Nutter." Eden said as she pulled a piece of parchment from underneath her pillow.

"And he shall be the one who the Champion falls for?" Crowley read, he quickly folder the paper and tucked it in his pocket.

"I don't think it means that kind of falling Eden." Crowley reassured after Eden voiced her concerns with him. She thought maybe it might mean she was going to Fall.

"Then what could it mean?" Eden rasped as she dried her eyes with the tissue her father handed her.

"I don't know Queenie, but I know it doesn't mean that kind of falling, you're already half demon...I'll show it to Papa, see what he says, why did you keep this from us?"

"I didn't want you to worry...." Crowley hugged her tightly.

"Oh sweetheart, you know you can always come to us...and worrying is our job!" Eden laughed and Crowley smiled. "There's my girl! Now, promise me that you won't keep stuff from your Papa and me ever again? Okay?"

"Okay." Eden nodded as Aziraphale entered the room, carrying a tray of food. He set the tray down, on the bedside table and sat next to Eden, "Are you feeling hungry Little One?" he asked as he brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face.

Eden stomach growled loudly, answering for her. "Yes Papa."

The fathers sighed with relief as Eden ate ravenously, and we're more than happy to oblige when she asked for seconds.   

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