Chapter 50

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Eden watched as the dilapidated buildings flew by as Freddie drove past. The synthetic lights were starting to flicker out, leaving Eden's head spinning with questions.

Freddie glanced at Eden. The poor girl had already been through so much and her troubles were far from over. He turned on the radio and he was relieved when Eden visibly relaxed.

Freddie drove them to what looked like an old warehouse and led Eden inside, and it turned out that it was much nicer on the inside. In fact, it looked like a nice apartment. "Have a seat Eden, you look like you could use a breather." said Freddie as he poured her a glass of water.

"Um...I'm dead. I don't think I can drink anymore." It was strange, saying it out loud.

"Your soul can do whatever it wants here, eat, drink, sleep, or just be miserable....I recommend the latter. I'll miracle some food for you if you'd like."

Eden accepted the glass warily and took a sip. It was exactly what she needed. She drank the glass dry within seconds as she sat next to him on the couch.

"Some food does sound nice." Eden said as Freddie chuckled and with a snap of his fingers, a spread of food appeared on the coffee table in front of them.

"What would you like to drink? Tea? Some more water?"

"Pink lemonade?" Eden asked.

A glass of pink lemonade appeared in her hand and she smiled.

After she ate and drank her fill, she felt better, a lot better.

"Now that you've rested and had a good meal, I know that you've got some questions, so ask away." Freddie said as he got up and began to rummage through a trunk that was a few feet away.

"Where am I? I mean, where are we? Is this Hell? I've just been to Heaven, so this place is definitely not Heaven..."

"You're in Purgatory jitterbug." Freddie said matter of factly. "It's the place where souls go who need a little more time to get things right with themselves before they are allowed into Heaven, but sadly that's not the case for you."

Eden felt a twinge from her wound. "Meaning?"

Freddie sighed. "Ole Luci has a sick and twisted mind. He wanted you to wallow here in despair as the holy fire slowly burned you away."

"Holy fire?" Eden exclaimed as she stared at the tear in her gut.

Freddie turned to face her. "You don't know?" Eden shook her head. "It's the counterpart to hellfire and it can kill demons. Since you are half demon, it's only a matter of time before you completely burn away..." Freddie trailed off as he turned back to the trunk.

"So I'm gonna die twice?!" Eden held her head in her hands.

"Not if I can help it!" Freddie said as he returned to the couch and placed a set of clothes in her lap. "Change into these."

"Are you a soul like me?" Eden asked.

"No, I'm an angel, like you're father, well one of them anyway!"

Eden blinked. "You know my fathers'?"

Freddie nodded. "I knew Crowley, never had the pleasure to meet Aziraphale though, although I did see him at one of my concerts a long time ago. I could see why you're Dad always talked about him."

Eden felt dizzy; she didn't know if it was her wound or her spinning head. "What's an angel doing in Purgatory?"

"I was handpicked by God herself to be an Emissary. We specialize in helping and guiding any soul who might have lost their way on their way upstairs, or if Hell is being particularly cruel, meddles with a good soul's journey to Heaven."

"So why am I here with you? There was a prophecy that said I would of course meant that I fell during my fight with Lucifer, so by all rights I should be back in that alley."

Freddie took off his glasses, revealing his brilliant dark brown eyes, his gaze more piercing than the synthetic lights that lit the city.

"Because you are not supposed to be here, I was sent by the Almighty herself to get you out of this wretched place." Freddie leaned forward clasping her hands.

"I promise you Eden, I will protect and keep you safe, now, let's get you home." 

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