Chapter 77

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Crowley cleared away the pile of wrapping paper on Eden's bed as Aziraphale took several pictures as Eden posed with her presents.

But she had one more gift to receive. Gabriel presented her with a small parcel wrapped in green wrapping paper with white snowflakes. "It was the only wrapping paper I could find..." Gabriel admitted, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"It's beautiful Gabriel." Eden said as she gently peeled the paper away; revealing her tartan bow barrette, completely blood stain free.

"I thought I lost it.." Eden murmured. "I've been keeping it safe for you." Gabriel replied.

"Thank you Gabe." Eden said as Gabriel clipped the barrette onto a long swath of curls that wasn't hidden underneath layers of bandages.

Crowley popped out of the room and returned moments later with something soft and cuddly in his arms.

"YOU GOT ME A PUPPY!" Eden squealed, despite the pain.

Crowley grinned, "Yep, the smallest one in the litter, made sure her siblings got good homes with good families, but I knew you'd like this little gal." Crowley gently set the puppy on Eden's lap. The puppy showered her in licks. Gabriel found the sight quite strange, yet adorable.

"Oh what a pretty little girl you are!" Eden cooed softly as the puppy gave her kisses. "What should I name you?"

"That can wait Little One, it's time for you to get some rest." Aziraphale said gently.

"But I wanna---AGH!" Eden cried out in pain when the puppy accidently stepped on her stomach, right on her wound. Aziraphale nearly fainted at Eden's cry.

"Crowley, take that puppy outside so I can tend to my daughter!" Aziraphale said a bit tetchily. Crowley scooped up the puppy and removed her from the room, perhaps a walk would calm the puppy down.

Gabriel was shooed out too and he decided to join Crowley and the puppy on their walk.

"I'm going to be returning to my flat." That was the first thing Gabriel said as he and Crowley walked made their way on dirt the path of the forest with the puppy.

Crowley looked at the now exiled Archangel, "Why? You're more than welcome to stay, especially since I just admitted it out loud, to your face."

"I think it would be best if I gave you and Aziraphale your time with Eden. My time with you has shown me how much she needs you both right now and honestly, I've just felt like I've been in the way."

Which was completely untrue, Gabriel had went above and beyond to help him and Aziraphale care for Eden.

"You've been a big help to the both of us Gabriel." Crowley said. The trio stopped in a patch of shade as Crowley continued, "Aziraphale and I are more than grateful for your help, for a while we thought you were all we we're going to have left of her." Crowley's voice became tight with emotion as tears stung his eyes.

"I thought the same about you and Aziraphale." Gabriel rasped, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Crowley wiped his eyes and quickly changed the subject, "So, when do you plan to tell Eden?"

"In a week, if she's stronger by then. For now I just want her to focus on getting better. I'm a little concerned of how she might take the news."

Crowley nodded as the trio resumed their walk. Eden had been through so much lately, her birthday celebration was exactly what she needed to boost her morale.

Crowley had nearly cried with joy at the smile on his little girl's face, the smile he thought he would never see again.

They returned to the cottage to find Aziraphale rushing down the stairs. "Oh thank Someone your back! Eden is asking for you Gabriel, she won't rest until she speaks with you."

"Is she okay angel?" Crowley asked, nearly bolting up the stairs.

"Oh she's fine dear, she's just too excited at the moment. Although I'll be up in a moment to make sure she doesn't wear herself out Gabriel!" Aziraphale called as Gabriel darted upstairs.

Gabriel waved, acknowledging the angel's words as he went to answer his love's call.

Gabriel and Eden were cuddling, something that was making the Archangel blush furiously. Eden giggled, "You look like a strawberry."

"I-I've never "cuddled" before." Gabriel replied. As soon as he entered the room, Eden had requested a cuddle and Gabriel was more than willing to oblige, even though he had no idea what a cuddle was.

"You're a natural." Eden murmured as she snuggled closer to Gabriel. "I'm so glad you're here, Gabe." Their hands intertwined.

"I'm glad I'm here too."

They lay there in silence, enjoying each other's warmth. Gabriel savored the sound of Eden's breathing.

"When are you going to leave?" Eden's soft voice cut through the silence like a knife. Gabriel winced. "How? I, uh...."

Eden gave a reassuring smile, "It's okay, I'd figured you'd have to leave anyway to take care of your flat, and I wasn't entirely sure if you would plan to stay while your cottage was being built."

Gabriel gaped at her, "I heard you talking with Papa about it, I pretended I was sleeping."

Eden shifted and winced which made Gabriel tightened his grip on her hand, "I'm staying for awhile longer, until you're a bit stronger, then I'll be returning to my flat, but I'll come see you as much as possible and I promise that the cottage will be finished before this winter."

"Where do you plan to build it?" Eden grimaced again, her wound was clearly starting to bother her.

"I should fetch Aziraphale...." Gabriel broke the cuddle and helped Eden to lie back down.

"It'll be less than ten minutes away from here, in an open patch of land in the woods. As soon as you recover I'm going to show you." he said as he covered her with a blanket.

"That sounds wonderful." Eden said as the door creaked open and in walked Aziraphale.

"Hello my dears, how is my Little One doing?"

"Her wound is causing her pain Aziraphale." Gabriel said which caused Aziraphale to practically fly to the bed. He lifted the blanket and quickly unbuttoned Eden's nightgown.

"Well, there's no sign of infection, thank someone. It seems to be healing nicely, I'll have your father brew you some herbal tea, but while we wait...." Aziraphale's miracles were no longer useless, they were now another great way to soothe Eden's pain...although they still didn't seem strong enough to completely heal Eden's injuries.

Aziraphale placed a gentle hand on Eden's stomach: his hand glowing with a white light. Eden grit her teeth as she grasped Gabriel's hand tightly.

When the healing was over, Aziraphale tucked his daughter in, gave her a kiss and left to tell Crowley to prepare the tea. He then returned to sit with Gabriel and Eden.

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