Chapter 61

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Bella emerged from the guest room, Gabriel had given it to her since he had no intention to sleep anytime soon, so she could have somewhere to stay until she was ready to return to her flat. She found the Archangel exactly where she left him, pacing up and down the hallway, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Any signs of consciousness?" Bella asked quietly so she wouldn't disturb the sleeping Aziraphale, who was still fast asleep in the sleeping bag.

"No." Crowley whispered in reply. "But she's strong, she'll wake up soon, I just know it." He wished he felt as confident as he sounded.

"I'll come back to check in a few more hours." said Bella as she exited the room.

When those hours passed, Crowley woke Aziraphale. "Aren't you going to rest Crowley?" Aziraphale asked as Crowley pulled up another chair and sat down next to his husband.

"I'm fine angel." Crowley said. "I don't think I'd be able to go to sleep anyways."

"Is that...?" asked Aziraphale at the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway.

"Yeah, it's Gabriel, he's been doing that for hours." Crowley said.

Before Aziraphale could reply, Bella entered the room, "Anything?"

When Crowley shook his head, Bella began to examine her patient. Aziraphale didn't miss the look of despair that crossed the young doctor's face as Bella checked Eden's vitals.

"What's wrong?" Aziraphale demanded when Bella finished her examination. Bella bit her lip, reluctant to reply. "Bella, what's wrong?" Aziraphale repeated.

"She's slipped into a coma.....I'm very sorry Aziraphale." Bella said flatly.

"When will she wake up?" Crowley demanded, his voice cracking as his eyes stung with tears.

"I'm afraid I don't know. It could be weeks or maybe months...." She felt tears sting her eyes as she watched the two father's grieve, tears pouring down their faces.

"Thank you for all your help Bella." rasped Crowley as he and Bella made their way downstairs. "No need for thanks Crowley. I'll come by tomorrow, like Aziraphale and I arranged. Do not hesitate to call if something happens." Crowley nodded as he thanked her again. Bella left South Downs to return home.

As Crowley returned upstairs, Gabriel was waiting for him, "Crowley, what's going on? Aziraphale is are crying....what's happening?"

He had heard their cries and when Crowley and Bella left the room and made their way downstairs, he held back, the sound of Aziraphale's sobbing ringing in his ears.

"She's in a coma Gabriel." Crowley said. Gabriel's face fell. "We don't know if or when she'll wake up...."

"No..." Gabriel whimpered as he ran straight into Eden's bedroom.

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