Chapter 65

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Aziraphale and Crowley we're sitting at the dining room table, waiting for Bella to finish her examination. Crowley was huddled up against Aziraphale, their foreheads touching. These past seven days had been very trying for them. Eden had yet to show signs of waking up.

Tears rolled down the red haired demon's face as his emotions overwhelmed him. Aziraphale planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Please don't cry dearest." He tried to wipe the tears away but they continued to fall.

Crowley sniffled, "What if Eden never wakes up angel?" His amber eyes met Aziraphale's blue gaze. For a moment, Aziraphale didn't know how to answer at first, but then, "We must have hope dear boy, she's strong and has overcome so much."

Crowley murmured in agreement then continued, "It's almost been a week angel....." He didn't know how much longer he could bear this, if he could bear this....

"Shhhh." Aziraphale soothed. "Bella may have some good news for us today, her stitches are due to be removed soon....."

Crowley brushed a hand over his eyes, trying to staunch the flow of tears. Aziraphale continued, "Love, we need to buck up, for Eden's sake. Bella has said that her wounds are healing and there are no signs of infection, that's something to be truly thankful for."

"It's almost been twenty minutes....what's taking so long?" Crowley muttered. He was tired of waiting. They should be in the room with Eden but Aziraphale thought it would be good for the both of them if they had a few moments to themselves so Bella could work without having them hovering over her.

"You wily thing, so impatient." Aziraphale chuckled softly. Crowley never liked to be kept waiting.

Crowley buried his face into Aziraphale's shoulder and rasped, "I miss her so much angel. I miss my Queenie. My Eden. I wish I could tell her that everything will be okay......that I'm so damn proud of her. It fucking kills me that our miracles don't even work on her...." The demon's sobbing began anew. Aziraphale felt a lump in his throat as his own eyes stung with fresh tears.

"Oh Crowley...." He rubbed his husband's back in comforting circles. "I miss her too, my Little One. I miss how she would always make you laugh, she always loved to make you laugh. I miss having her in the kitchen, my little helper, my trusty assistant bookkeeper, the three of us playing Dungeons and Dragons, watching Doctor Who and the Golden Girls, watching her read her books. Oh I could go on."

"Ngk." said Crowley.

They heard someone coming down the stairs. They quickly rose from their chairs and met Bella at the bottom of the stairs.

"How is she?" Aziraphale asked gently.

"When will she wake up?" Crowley asked bluntly.

Bella replied, "There is still no sign of infection, her wounds are all healing nicely, but slowly, if all goes well I'll be able to remove her stitches and sutures a few weeks from now."

Aziraphale sighed in relief.

Crowley repeated, "When will she wake up? Am I ever going to get my daughter back or not?" Crowley clenched his fists to keep them from shaking.

"I'm very sorry Crowley; she is still showing no signs of regaining consciousness. It's the same as before I'm afraid."

Crowley didn't say a word as he brushed past Bella and went upstairs. He couldn't wait any longer.

Aziraphale thanked Bella, set up another appointment and saw her out.

Aziraphale found Crowley sitting on Eden's bed, not even taking his eyes off of Eden when Aziraphale entered the room.

"Crowley..." Aziraphale placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. Just fine." Crowley said tightly. Eden's skin was pale, her hair was starting to grow longer, she was even starting to lose weight.

Crowley clasped Eden's limp hand as fresh tears fell onto the tartan covers. " miss you so much. Papa misses you too...." His voice broke as he turned his face away.

Aziraphale knelt in front of the crying demon. He had hoped as well that Bella would have an idea on when Eden would wake up and was just as devastated as Crowley. It looked like their daughter wasn't coming back to them just yet.

"Crowley look at me." Crowley obeyed. "Angel..."

Aziraphale yanked Crowley into his embrace tightly. "It's going to be okay." The angel's tears ran down his face as he hugged his husband close.

"Everything will be alright."

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