Chapter 69

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Gabriel stood in the doorway as he watched the two fathers' embrace their daughter, being extra careful not to aggravate her wounds.

"My beautiful baby..." Aziraphale sobbed with joy while Crowley was too overwhelmed with emotion to speak.

" Papa..." Eden murmured as the angel's tears fell onto her face. "Is this a dream?"

"No Little One, you're safe and home. I won't let anything happen to you ever again." Aziraphale said softly as he gazed into Eden's blue eyes.

"Agh!" Eden suddenly exclaimed. "Queenie, what's wrong?" Crowley finally spoke. "What's hurting?"

"Everything..." Eden groaned.

"Shit, I'll call Bella." Crowley whipped out his cellphone and he darted out into the hallway to give his daughter and husband some peace. Gabriel moved out of his way.

"Wh-What happened?" Eden asked weakly. "Where's Freddie?" Her gaze traveled to her wings, one was wrapped up like a mummy and the other wing's black and white feathers were in tatters.

"Eden, sweetie, now's not the time. You need to rest..." Aziraphale said. It pained him to see his daughter so weak and in so much pain. Aziraphale clasped her hand, "Please lie still. We can't afford having your stitches breaking."

The desperation in her Papa's voice finally got Eden to comply. "But it still hurts..."

"I know, love, I know, and I'm so sorry." He glanced upwards at the Archangel standing silently in the doorway. "Gabriel-"

"Say no more Aziraphale, I'll be back in a few." Gabriel left to fulfill his fellow angel's request.

"There now, Gabriel will bring you something to help with the pain. I'm afraid our miracles are still useless, but thanks to Bella and Anathema we may have a solution for this problem."

He bit his lip when Eden groaned again. "Are you warm enough? Would you like another blanket?"

"Nah, I'm fine." Eden replied hoarsely as Crowley returned to the bedroom.

"Daddy." Eden broke into a weak smile.

"How's my Queenie doing?" Crowley's voice was tight with emotion. He felt his stomach twist at the sight of her eyes, now that he got a better look at them, he noticed they looked quite dull.

"Feel like...nnnh!" she clutched her stomach, "Shit." Eden finished with a grimace.

"Hang in there Eden." Crowley said softly as Gabriel finally returned with a cup of steaming tea.

"It smells funny." Eden said as the sharp scent of the tea hit her nostrils.

"It's got some herbs mixed with it, they'll help soothe your pain and build up your strength." Aziraphale replied patiently as the tea cooled on the bedside table.

"Can I have some water first?" Crowley snapped his fingers and with the help of Aziraphale, they propped her up with extra pillows, with Crowley holding the glass to her lips so she could drink.

Eden grimaced slightly at the sharp tang of herbs, but her taste buds also welcomed the sweet taste of honey.

"It was my idea to add honey to the mixture. I knew you would like that, love." Aziraphale whispered as Eden's eyelids drooped when a wave of exhaustion hit her.

"Oh my, we've worn you out..." Aziraphale gasped, concerned.

"It's fine Papa....say hi to Bella for me..." Eden murmured as Crowley pecked her on the cheek. "Of course darling. Rest now."

"Well, there is no sign of infection. But you need to be more careful when it comes to talking with her while she's awake." Bella said. She was talking with the father's in the hallway. Gabriel was watching Eden. Aziraphale didn't want her to be left alone.

"I was afraid of that. Did we wear her out?" Aziraphale asked as he felt Crowley squeeze his shoulder.

"Almost. To be fair, it took me longer than I liked to get her to stop talking and to relax. You may need to add some herbs that help with sleeping in with her tea."

"Should we switch to human medicine? Wouldn't that be more practical?" Crowley asked as Aziraphale nodded at Bella's instructions.

"I honestly don't know. Mom thought a more natural approach might help her and it seems to be. I honestly don't know how to factor in human medications and how they would even affect someone like her. I'm still on the fence about that blood donation idea of yours Crowley."

Crowley had suggested a blood donation for Eden. He and Aziraphale we're more than willing to donate their corporations blood to help their daughter due to her loosing so much blood before she died, but Bella immediately shut that idea down. It was too risky. She had no knowledge whatsoever on the subject of mixing angel and demon blood and then siphoning it into a hybrid. They didn't exactly cover that in medical school.

"You two keep doing what you've been doing, add those sleeping herbs in the tea or broths. Make sure you both get plenty of rest and take care of yourselves as well. Call me anytime if you have questions or concerns."

Crowley and Aziraphale stayed by their daughter's side, watching over her as she slept.

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