Chapter 21

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    "Gabriel? Are you awake? Breakfast will be ready soon!" Eden called cheerfully as she knocked on the guestroom door. No answer. She knocked again, and when there was no response, she opened the door and saw that the room was empty. Even the clothes that Gabriel had miracled from his flat were gone as well.

Something was wrong.

Gabriel lay on the cold floor on his flat. He had lay there all night. He healed his wounds, but didn't bother to change out of his clothes. He didn't care that his clothes were bloodstained and wrinkled.

He flinched when he heard a knock on the door, then the voice he was waiting for. "Gabe! It's me! Eden, are you okay? Everything was gone out of your room, you we're gone. Please...are you there?"

Eden let out a sigh of relief when Gabriel opened the door. "Oh thank Someone! I was so worried that you weren't here, I thought that maybe.....Is that blood?" Eden gasped when she noticed the blood stain on Gabriel's clothing.

"Oh my god, are you hurt? I can take you to Papa, he can-"

"That won't be necessary." Gabriel replied, he gruffly brushed her hand away when she tried to reach out to search for injury. He ignored the concerned look on her face.

"Is something wrong Gabe?" Eden asked.

Gabriel braced himself. "We can't do this anymore."

"What?" Gabriel forced himself not to flinch.

"It's over Miss Fell." He felt as if his corporation was screaming at him to not to do this....but he had to. It was the only way to keep her safe.

"But why? Gabriel..." Eden began, tears stinging her eyes.

"Angels cannot fall in love, especially with demon spawn...the spawn of traitors...." He felt like his heart was being ripped in two by the hurt look on Eden's face.

"Gabriel, where is this coming from? I don't understand...."

"That's because you are a child, such things are beyond your understanding. Its better this way, Armageddon is on the horizon so it's best to sever all attachments."

The tears fell from Eden's brilliant blue eyes. "But Gabriel, we can figure this out...I know we can! My fathers' stopped the first Armageddon with the Antichrist and I know they can do it again, with our help! Please..."

"If you believe that you and your traitorous fathers can stop the war between Heaven and Hell yet again, you are more foolish than I thought. Good day Miss Fell."

As he turned to leave, Eden grabbed his arm, "Gabriel please! I don't know why your acting like this....did someone threaten you? If so, then stay with us! We'll keep each other safe! I'll keep you safe! Please don't leave me like this!"

Gabriel yanked his hand away and didn't look back as he shut the door.

"Oi, Aziraphale? Have you seen Eden? Or that prick Gabriel?" Crowley asked as he came downstairs.

"Crowley! None of that now, and no, I thought they were both still upstairs." The angel replied as he began to set the table.

"Well, neither of them is up there...." Crowley muttered.

"Oh I'm sure they're fine dear boy, they probably wanted to take a short flight before breakfast..." As Aziraphale said this, the front door burst open and in ran Eden.

"Eden dear, breakfast is ready." Eden didn't seem to hear her Papa. She ran right past the dining room and straight upstairs, slamming the door.

Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a worried glance as they ran upstairs after their daughter. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Gabriel lay on the floor in a heap, sobbing. "I'm sorry Eden. I'm so sorry....."

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