Chapter 53

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"Eden was here!" Gabriel exclaimed as he hopped out of the Bentley and stared up at the bright neon sign of the newly opened Queens Place. Gabriel looked through the windows, the bar was packed with lost souls, some emissaries and even some demons were inside, enjoying drinks and dancing to the music blasting out of the jukebox.

She definitely had been here.

"There's been a ward put over this place..." Aziraphale said as he stood next to Gabriel. "I can sense that it was placed by Eden herself."

"She always wanted others to be happy..." Gabriel murmured feeling his chest ache again.

"Look at that!" exclaimed Crowley, pointing at some living complexes, all of which had been miraculously transformed into brand new, proper homes, a movie theater, and even a library. "I guess we just follow the trail of brand new stuff and we'll find her!" Crowley dashed back to the Bentley, not wanting to waste another moment.

Aamon was following a trail too. A scent trail, the scent trail of Eden Alexandria Queen Fell. He had begun tracking her since the very moment she was sent to Purgatory. He wanted to devour the remnant of her soul before it burned away and discorperate that infernal Emissary that was helping her.

What was worse was that Eden and her Emissary were giving the lost souls of Purgatory hope, also distracting the demons in his charge. So many souls had been transported to Heaven by their new found hope and urge to help their fellow lost souls within the last hour that Aamon was downright pissed.

Eden Fell would pay for this.

Crowley gripped the steering wheel tightly as he keep his eyes fixed on the dirt road ahead, occasionally glancing to the left and the right, making sure he was still on the trail that Eden was leaving behind.

He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in his chest. Despite everything that had happened to her, she still thought of others....

Suddenly, there was a loud thud, something landed on the top of the Bentley.

As soon as it landed, it jumped off, revealing itself and Crowley felt horror plunge itself into his very soul. It was Aamon. He was just as terrifying as the last time Crowley saw him, with the body of a wolf, the tail of a serpent and the head of a falcon.

Aamon stared at the Bentley, so these were the outsiders who entered his domain. He would deal with them later; he had an Abomination to destroy.

"No!" shrieked Crowley as he slammed his foot on the gas as Aamon took off down the road.


Crowley glanced at Aziraphale, "I won't let him get near her."

"It's not like he can do anything to her...they've already done so much....what could Aamon want with her?" Aziraphale had recognized that foul creature, terror rising in his chest.

"He wants to devour what's left of her soul Aziraphale, but I'm not gonna let that happen! We're not going to lose her again, not when we're so close. We're going to find her soul and return her to her body before she fades away..." He was mostly saying this to reassure himself.... he said "fade" instead of the more accurate term...."burn."

Aziraphale reached over and clasped Crowley's hand, desperately trying to hold it together.

They both whirled around when they heard the backseat door open. "Gabriel?!! Wot the bloody hell!" Crowley gasped as he was about to slam on the breaks, but Gabriel stopped him, "Don't stop Crowley! I'm going to fly ahead and find her, and if Aamon comes anywhere near her..." He didn't need to finish his sentence, the Archangel's eyes shimmered with fury.

"Be careful Gabriel!" Azirphale said as Gabriel unfurled his wings. "Who knows who else could be after Eden."

Gabriel jumped out of the Bentley and flew as fast as his snowy white wings would let him, the Bentley door closing behind him. 

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