Chapter 75

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"But what about my birthday..." Eden's voice sounded drained of emotion, like she didn't expect a celebration at all. It took all of Crowley's self control to hold it together. Eden's dreadful fever finally broke but sadly, Eden wasn't well enough to leave her bed, her stitches breaking hadn't help matters.

"Eden Alexandria Queen Fell," Crowley forced his voice to sound strong, "I refuse to let a stupid bed get in the way of my daughter's birthday. Tomorrow is going to be wonderful." Crowley leaned forward, giving his daughter a kiss on her uninjured cheek before he left the bedside so he could help Aziraphale carry in the tray with her bowl of broth and cup of tea.

Everyone had been doing everything possible to boost Eden's morale, especially whenever she got restless. She hated being confined to bed and she wanted to do more than just simple leg, wing and arm stretches. Aziraphale and Crowley had been reading to her, Crowley moved the telly into Eden's room so they could watch their favorite shows and movies together, Gabriel had even come up with the idea that they play Dungeons and Dragons with her right at the bedside, with Aziraphale making sure Eden wouldn't over exert herself and get plenty of rest. All of those things seemed to be doing the trick....

But now, Crowley began to notice that Eden had been acting strange around mealtime. She seemed to be struggling to drink her brothy soups but she drank them down regardless. Aziraphale didn't seem to notice as he was entirely focused on Eden's progress and how well she was doing. But Crowley had noticed and he was worried she might be getting sick again. The thought of her going through yet another bout of sickness was too much to bear; his daughter had already been through enough.

He leaned against the doorway and watched as Eden drank down yet another mug of broth. She looked miserable.

"Good job my dear, now, you get some rest and I'll change your dressings when you wake up." Aziraphale kissed Eden on the cheek, collected her mug and as he walked by Crowley, gave him a quick kiss.

Crowley approached the bed, pulling up a chair. "Hey Queenie."

"Hi Daddy." Eden murmured, her blue serpentine eyes stared at him sullenly.

"Eden, sweetie, is something wrong? You've been acting a bit off. Are you getting sick again?" He placed a hand on her forehead, no fever, thank someone.

"No fever. Is your wound bothering you? I can call Anathema and see if we can find some stronger herbs...."

"No Dad...I'm's just..."

"Whatever it is you can tell me Eden, let me help you."

"I'm getting really sick of these soups and broths I have to eat. Can I eat something else?"

"I don't know, Bella gave you this diet for now...." Crowley felt his heart ache when Eden's face fell.

"Dad, please, surely there must be something else I can eat that won't hurt me, I'm afraid that if I keep this up I'll gag up my broth right in front of Papa. " Crowley winced, now that would be a bad thing indeed.

He would find a solution and find something else for his daughter to eat.

"I'll see what I can do, but for now, I want you to rest, it seems those herbs are finally kicking in." Eden's eyelids were getting heavy; he gave her a gentle kiss as she finally drifted off.

Aziraphale had gathered a few rolls of bandages and nearly walked right into Crowley. "Oh, sorry love."

"It's alright angel, let me see to Eden when she wakes up. You're due for a nap yourself anyway."

Crowley had made it his priority to make sure his angel didn't tire himself out again. "Yes, perhaps a nap would due me good."

Crowley saw Aziraphale to bed and left the roll of bandages in Eden's room, then he proceeded to find a solution to Eden's problem.

Crowley rifled through the cupboards, and smiled, he found what he was looking for.

Eden smelled smelled like something freshly toasted which caused her to drift awake. She shifted as her father came into focus. "Hey there sweetheart, sleep well?" Crowley brushed a stray hair away from her face. "Yeah...I smell something scrummy..."

"Oh yes, I think you'll like this Queenie." Crowley helped her to sit up and he felt another ache when he saw her grimace and then he placed her breakfast tray table on her lap.

Placed on the tray was a plate with two pieces of strawberry toast. Eden's favorite.

"Oh thank you!" Eden said as she picked up a slice of toast and took a bite, then another bite. It was so delicious.

"Don't eat too fast Eden." Crowley reminded gently as he watched his daughter enjoy her treat. It was so great to see her with her spirits lifted.

Eden ate the slices within seconds and turned to Crowley, "Can I please have some more?"

Without hesitating, Crowley snapped his fingers and three more pieces of strawberry toast appeared on the plate and Eden ate them with gusto, her appetite seemed to be returning too.

She finished her toast and Crowley cleaned her up with a warm wet cloth and quickly disposed of the dishes.

"Thank you so much Dad." Eden murmured after Crowley changed her dressings.

"Of course love." Crowley rasped as fresh tears stung his eyes.

"Daddy, you're crying..."

"I-I'm just so happy that you're getting better....that I've got my little girl back..." Crowley wiped his eyes and sniffed. "I'm fine. Now, let's keep this between us, I'll be sure you get some toast and maybe some rice...rice is pretty light on the stomach I think..."

Eden smiled, drifting back to sleep with Crowley watching over her.

Bad Omens (The Final Cut/Definitive Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora