Chapter 74

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"I got a backup supply of this stuff in case of an emergency...although I hoped we would ever need it." said Crowley as he led Gabriel to his study. Gabriel looked around the spacious room and watched Crowley pull out a tartan thermos from behind a painting.

"Is that holy water?" Gabriel could sense the super natural energy that emanated from the thermos, which Crowley was holding with a pair of tongs.

"The holiest, when Lucifer gets doused with this stuff, he'll be out of commission for centuries! Pity it won't kill the bastard." Crowley was wearing rubber gloves that went up to his elbows and a dark gray apron.

"Is this a good idea? This is a very dangerous thing to have with Eden around." Gabriel said as he took the thermos from Crowley.

"The only one in danger is me, Eden is half angel remember?" Crowley reminded the Archangel.

"If you say so..." Gabriel replied, still not completely convinced.

  Lucifer was on his obsidian throne, his desk had been removed. The angel Sandalphon didn't seem at all bothered by Lucifer's disfigured face.

"The protection ward has been removed." That was the best news Satan had heard in days.

"Absolutely not! I won't allow it!" Aziraphale's outburst startled Eden awake. He was in the hallway, talking with Crowley and Gabriel.

"It's all we've got angel." Crowley replied.

"I can't believe you kept this from me, how did you even get it?"

"That's not important, what's important is that if we get so much as one drop on this stuff on Satan, his celestial form will be reduced to a useless pile of ash that will take millennia for him to regenerate." Crowley reassured.

"It's too dangerous Crowley! I couldn't bear to lose you..."

"Which is why I'm going to do it Aziraphale." said Gabriel. "That way you and Crowley can focus on escaping."

"Escaping? What do you mean escape? We can't leave, this is our home!" Aziraphale peeked into the bedroom, hoping that they weren't disturbing Eden.

"We need to be prepared for the worst." whispered Crowley at the sign of Aziraphale's stern gesture to remind them to be quiet. "While Gabriel is facing of Satan and his goons with the holy water, we're going to Alpha Centauri." They had no choice but to risk the trip after all.

"And I'll come fetch you if I succeed." added Gabriel.

"And if you don't?"

"Don't come for me." Gabriel said grimly.

To Eden's frustration, the conversation ended and Aziraphale returned to her side. "I'll carry her wings..." Eden kept her eyes closed as she felt herself be lifted up into a strong set of arms. She could tell by the smell of lavender that it was Gabriel.

"Be careful!" Aziraphale said sharply as he and Gabriel carried her down the stairs.

"I got the pillow and the blankets ready." Eden heard Crowley say as she felt herself be lowered into what must have been the Bentley. Her aching body was gently laid on the leather seats and she felt someone gently stuff a pillow under her head. She then felt a warm hand against her temple, "She's burning up. I'm going to get a fresh compress then I'll help you pack dear." said her Papa. But before he did that, he put Eden's splinted arm in a sling to keep it from falling off of the seat.

"I'll go get her extra blankets first." said Crowley as he darted back into the cottage.

Eden was finally left alone. She opened her eyes and they were instantly drawn to the tartan thermos. She could sense the holiness coming off of it in waves.

Lucifer, Sandalphon, Uriel and Lilith were making their way through Epping Forest. Lucifer, despite his weakened state, led the group, anxious to finish what he started.

At long last, they had found the cottage. When Lucifer sniffed the air, he got the distinct smell of sickness along with the scent of his quarry.

Lucifer motioned for the others to stand back as he morphed into a horned red beast. If not for the blasted holy fire in his system he would have been able to morph into a beast the size of a building and crush this pathetic place, but he would have to settle being the size of a lion.

The Bentley door had been left wide open. Foolish. Lucifer slunk forward and peeked inside. There she was, the great Champion, covered in bandages, wrapped in blankets and reeking of fever. Pathetic. Lucifer bared his teeth, ready for the kill, when to his surprise; Eden sat up quickly and splashed some water from a thermos right onto his face.

"Do we have everything Angel?" Crowley called as he filled another suitcase. This one he had just filled with Eden's belongings. Gabriel was packing his own things in the guest room.

"Angel?" Crowley called again. He found Aziraphale sitting on their bed, "Angel, what's wrong?" Crowley said as he sat down next to his husband. "I can't believe we have to leave...our home..." Aziraphale choked back a sob.

"Hey, hey, we got a plan angel. We'll come back and if we can't---"

The sound of an unearthly shriek pierced the air. "Eden!" Aziraphale and Crowley cried.

Eden watched, horrified as the red beast before her began to melt, Lucifer's screams pummeling her ear drums.

She glanced out the rear window and she saw Sandalphon, Lilith and Uriel, they looked just as horrified as she felt.

"Eden!" Eden heard her father's cry as the red beast melted into a puddle of goo.

"Oh my god, Eden, are you alright?" Aziraphale demanded after he kicked some dirt over the pile of goo, burying it.

"I'm okay Papa." Eden smiled, hoping it would put him at ease. "Queenie! Jesus Christ are you okay?" Crowley demanded as he reached Aziraphale's side.

"I'm fine Daddy, just spilled some holy water on my shirt is all..." She just realized her night gown felt damp.

"Fuck!" Aziraphale exclaimed at the sight of Eden's damp gown. "Eden, you're bleeding!", was the last thing she heard before everything went black.

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