Chapter 16

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The Fell family and Archangel Gabriel had just finished their meal. The two fathers' were still sitting at the table with Gabriel while Eden was taking this week's treats out to the forest animals, not at all minding if her sky blue dress would get dirty. Dinner was over!

She smiled as she filled the birdfeeders with birdseed. Gabriel had practically discorperated at the site of her walking down the stairs in her dress.

She then put chopped up pieces of fruit and vegetables on a tree stump for the squirrels.

Eden looked around, usually, her animal friends would have already been out by now to greet her and feast on the goodies. That's when she smelled something...


She then saw that it was coming from the south part of the forest, she ran towards the direction of the smoke.

She reached the clearing, one of the many clearings she would play at as a child, the clearing that had the best lighting so she could read her books in the sun.

It was completely ablaze.

Eden ran to a blazing tree and tried to use some of her powers. It didn't work no matter how hard she tried.

She must have been to close, because a tongue of flame touched her arm and she screamed in agony as she fell to the ground clutching her arm.

"Bad luck dear." said a cold voice.

Eden looked up and saw a tall, thin woman walking towards her. She was dressed in a red dress.

She felt a stab of dread in her gut as she came closer, knelt down and grabbed her roughly by her shoulder, which jarred her injured arm, her black nails digging into her shoulder.

"Agh!" Eden cried out as she tried to yank herself away, but the woman's claws dug in deeper.

The pain was so intense that she nearly passed out.

"So this is the Champion that is supposed to save this rock? And "Bring about the demise of Satan."?

"Pathetic, I can kill you with a snap of my fingers, you stupid child."

Eden closed her eyes and waited for death, but it didn't come.

"GET OFF OF HER!", shrieked a familiar voice, the woman was then yanked away from Eden by her long blond hair.

It was her Daddy! Eden slumped onto the ground and coughed as she struggled to breathe.

Crowley bared his fangs as he spat at Eden. "If you ever come near her again....I'll fucking kill you!"

"Oh Crowley, is that anyway to talk to an old friend?"

Crowley snarled at Lilith. "Bullshit. Stay away from us!" He glanced back at Eden in concern when he heard her cough and when he turned back to face Lilith, she was gone.

Eden woke up in a coughing fit, she coughed so much it made her eyes water. Someone held a glass of water to her lips and she drank gratefully.

As her gaze became focused she realized it was her Papa, who looked terrified.

"P-Papa..." she croaked.

"Shh, don't talk Little One, rest your voice."

"Is she alright?" Gabriel entered the living room, with a damp cloth. He was looking at her funny...

She looked down and realized that part of her dress was burnt away.

That could have been her as well, she thought to herself, feeling a little sick.

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