Chapter 2

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   Twenty four years later....

"Make a deception check." said Crowley as he peered over his Dungeon Master folder. His amber serpent eyes matching the dragon muzzle design.

Eden rolled her d20 and held her breath, "Its 17..." she said as her blue eyes flicked to her father's.

"You successfully trick the Kenku and he calls you're bluff!"

"Oh thank Someone!" Eden exclaimed as she sunk back into her chair in relief.

"What about me?" Aziraphale piped up.

"You and me are still at the hotel angel....taking care of business." Crowley said with a sly smile, which made Aziraphale blush.

"Oh really Crowley!" Crowley had made his job as the Dungeon Master into a playable character for the family's Thursday Dungeons and Dragons night. He knew it was against the rules, but he loved to break them.

Usually, they would only play for a few short hours before bed, but they had begun to schedule longer campaigns to try to keep Eden busy.

Eden had been acting quite a bit depressed ever since her best friends, Bella Pulsifer, and the Anti Christ, Adam Young got married. Bella and Eden we're the same age and were practically sisters in all things...until Bella had announced her engagement to Adam.

The thing about the Fell's was that they were a very private family. Their cottage, South Downs, was smack dab in the middle of nowhere, at least that's what Eden described it.

South Downs was in the very heart of Epping Forest, consisting of two thousand four hundred acres. Eden had spent her entire childhood befriending animals, enjoying picnics, camping and even playing in those woods.

To Eden it felt like its own realm. She only left its borders when she and her parents would leave for the bookshop, and they didn't get visitors very often.

What made it worse was that whenever anyone, mostly young men, but there was the occasional young woman, who would try to flirt, or simply say hi, Crowley would scare them away with a glare full of daggers.

Which didn't make it easy for Crowley, all sorts of people seemed to gravitate towards Eden. She knew all of the staff at the Ritz, and every eatery the family went to by name, she even attracted animals whenever they would go to the park....Crowley had his work cut out for him!

Eden had a job at her Papa's bookshop, A.Z. Fell Books as assistant bookkeeper. She enjoyed every minute of it, especially because she mostly got to read as much as she wanted and during her breaks, wander outside and go eat wherever she wanted.

But ever since Adam and Bella had left for their honeymoon, Eden was reminded yet again how lonely she was. Being the only one of her kind, and her human friends living their own separate lives, she didn't have anyone else to share her world with.

Her Papa and Daddy had told her when she was a kid that she was never alone because they would always be there for her...

But what if that wasn't enough?

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