Chapter 11

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"Eden dear, are you even listening to me?" Aziraphale asked patiently as he helped his daughter into her ridiculously long scarf. He had to put it on just right so it wouldn't drag on the ground, he had no idea how the Doctor could stand to wear such a garment!

"I'm listening Papa." Eden said, she was getting even more excited as the time to meet with Gabriel again was getting ever closer.

"Now, after the two of you have your lunch, be sure to bring him here with you to the shop so we can finally introduce ourselves and the two of us can give him his basket of sweets." They had made a basket of Blueberry French Toast muffins, which was lying in wait in the backroom.

Aziraphale made sure her tartan bow barrette was on straight. "You look lovely my dear." He said with pride as she zipped up her coat.

"Thank you Papa."

"Doesn't she look lovely Crowley?" Aziraphale asked his husband, who had been particularly close to Eden all morning; he didn't seem to want her to leave his sight.

"Of course she looks lovely, she's fucking beautiful." He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders, "Be careful okay? Stay at least twelve inches apart! Absolutely no touching!" His amber eyes gazed into her blue ones, as if silently imploring her to call the whole thing his little girl for a little bit longer....

"Oh Daddy! I'll be fine! You worry too much; I'll see you guys in a couple of hours! I can't wait for you both to meet him!"

She had told them that his name was Gabe while she and Aziraphale were baking. She even told them where she planned to take him and Aziraphale showed her the dresses he had found for her in her closet. She chose one to wear for her upcoming lunch and another had been set aside for when the four of them would finally have dinner together at South Downs. She didn't mention a last name, at least not yet, but Crowley would be sure to ask him that when the time came.

He was going to have a lot to say to this "Gabe" when the time came.

Eden clutched Gabriel's coat close to her chest as opened the shop's door. "Papa, the postman is here with a package for you!" She said as she held the door open for her Papa so he could sign for the package.

Normally Eden's curiosity would have gotten the better of her, especially since they hardly ever got mail delivered to the shop but her mind was focused on Gabriel.

Gabriel was sitting on a bench, the very same bench where they shared Chinese food. It was a very chilly day and he hoped that Eden would be dressed warm enough.

"Gabriel!" His heart soared when he saw her and couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that she was indeed dressed for the weather.

"Here's your coat and scarf, thank you again for lending them to me." Gabriel accepted the items and tied the coat around his waist; he didn't mind that it didn't go with his gray suit and matching pants. He wrapped the scarf around his neck. Gabriel couldn't help but by slightly taken aback by the very long multicolored scarf around Eden's own neck. It nearly touched the ground.

He didn't know scarves could be that long.

"So, where are we going to go to eat today?" he asked. Eden broke into a smile and he felt his chest ache again.

"It's a surprise, but I gotta ask you something first." Eden said.

"Of course. Anything." And he meant it. He would do anything for her.

"Well, first, my parents caught me sneaking back into South Downs last night and I finally told them about they would like to meet you, after we have our lunch."

"Really?" Gabriel said as he rose to his feet.

"Yes. They also would like to invite you to dinner once they get to know you." Gabriel and Eden just realized that they had started walking.

"I would consider it an honor to meet your parents, and I would love to come to dinner!" Gabriel felt his knees weaken at the sight of Eden's smile.

"Oh thank Someone! Now, let's go eat!" Before he could react, she grabbed him by the hand and said, "ALLONSY!"

He had no idea what that meant, but his face felt hot when her fingers locked with his.

Gabriel wasn't as impressed by the Ritz as he was impressed by how everyone seemed to gravitate towards Eden. All sorts of people approached the two of them to say hi and have very short conversations with Eden; the majority of these people were the staff. Eden had introduced him to every single human, he had no idea how Eden could remember all of these humans' names and when they finally reached their table, he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. Maybe it was because Eden had finally removed her coat, revealing her thick build perfectly framed by a stunning bright blue dress that matched her eyes.

Gabriel had noticed she was wearing black dress shoes, not her red converse sneakers on their way there, but he didn't bring it up because he didn't want to miss a single moment of Eden's smiling face.

He finally noticed the makeup. She had a very light tone of eye shadow and her lips were a shade or two darker.

"Gabriel? Are you okay?" Eden asked as she took her seat.

"I'm fine." He said.

"Then why are you still standing?" She said with a grin.

Gabriel sat down with an embarrassed smile and he nearly discorporated when Eden scooted her chair even closer to his and showed him the menu.

"They started to put pictures in these so you can have a better idea on what you may want."

"O-Okay." The Archangel stuttered.

"I think you're much prettier without the makeup."Gabriel said as they ate their fourth courses.

"Really?" Eden said, genuinely surprised. Her face was red now, he called her pretty!

"Yes, the makeup just gets in the way of your pretty face!" The wine that he picked was taking effect and he was a little tipsy.

"Awww thank you, you're so sweet!" Eden giggled. Note to self. No more makeup!

"Should we open the chest now or wait till later?" Aziraphale wondered aloud. He and Crowley were in the backroom, staring at the chest that had been left by the delivery man.

"Naw. Let's wait for after we meet "Gabe"." Crowley said as if the name left a bad taste in his mouth.

Eden and "Gabe" should be coming anytime now, and Crowley was anxious to return to his vigil at the shop's window. They were ten minutes late.

Gabriel and Eden were in no hurry. They were walking slowly, biding their time, "So you have two middle names?" Gabriel asked when Eden revealed her full name.

"Yep. Alexandria Queen. That is I." Eden said with mock pomp.

"The first middle name came from an ancient library that was lost to humanity long ago and my second middle name comes from my Dad's favorite band. Do you have a middle name?"

"No. Just Gabriel." He said. "That is I." Eden elbowed him gently and said, "Oh look we're here!"

The place looked a bit familiar but he didn't dwell on it, he made sure his clothes weren't wrinkled and was relieved that he sobered up right before they left the Ritz.

"Gabriel, welcome to A.Z. Fell books." Eden said as she opened the shop's door with a flourish.

Right when the door opened, a fist lunged out and connected with the Archangel's jaw, making him see stars.

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