Chapter 35

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As Crowley cradled Eden's limp body in his arms, his mind drifted back to a conversation that the two of them had weeks ago.....before all this madness started....

He and Eden were picking vegetables in the garden, Eden was so excited that the vegetables we're finally ripe and ready to be cleaned and made into salads that she almost didn't hear him ask, "So, what did you have in mind for your birthday Eden?"

Eden stopped picking tomatoes and met her father's amber gaze. "I hadn't really thought about it..."

"Oh don't give me that! I know you've been thinking about it almost nonstop!" Crowley scoffed playfully. "You make cake themed treats for the forest animals whenever your birthday is coming up, with candles I might add."

"That obvious huh?" Eden cracked.

"Did you have anything in mind? It's gonna be a special one, your 25th.....the big two five!" He felt his heart ache when he said it aloud. She had grown up much too fast....

"I actually hadn't decided on a theme yet..." Eden replied.

"I bet you've already chosen the food." Crowley guessed. He guessed correctly because Eden's eyes brightened.

"Oh yes! Soft served ice cream! Fried chicken! Pink lemonade! Fish N Chips! Crepes! Sushi!" Crowley laughed when Eden realized that she went overboard. "I can't decide Daddy..."

Crowley chuckled. "That's okay sweetheart, we still got time. We can afford to go crazy with this one; it's a special birthday after all." Crowley replied as he wiped a smudge of dirt off of her cheek.

"You say that about all of my birthdays Daddy." Eden murmured.

"Because every one of your birthdays are special....Now why don't you go help Papa with that tray of lemonade he's carrying towards us? We'll take a quick break and then we'll watch Golden Girls while we eat our salads." Eden was about to do just that until Crowley added, "And you can stop changing the desktop image on my cell phone to puppies! I can take a hint Eden Alexandria Queen Fell!"

Eden yanked him into a fierce hug and without another word and a smug grin on her face, Eden ran to help her Papa.

Tears fell on Eden's blood marred face as Crowley glanced upward, "How could you let this happen?" his voice a blend of grief and rage as he glared up at the battle filled sky. "Why?!" he sobbed.

 The tears kept falling as Crowley continued, "She's done nothing to deserve this! Do you hear me? NOTHING!"  When he received no answer, the grief-stricken father turned back to the limp figure in his arms. A part of him still refused to accept that his Queenie was dead. He buried his face in her blood matted hair, sobbing, "Wake up Eden...please...please wake up....come back...please come back...."

The battle still raged on in the sky, demons and angels locked in a deadly fight for dominance. Lucifer was now wielding a black obsidian blade as he fought Archangel Remiel. Lucifer couldn't wait to kill the pompous fool.

Suddenly, screams of terror echoed throughout the sky as a brilliant white light struck down nearly every angelic and demonic being in the air. Some fled while the rest regrouped, that is until a beam of light hit them to.

The white light disappeared, revealing Principality Aziraphale brandishing the flaming sword Lucifer had been wielding earlier.

"I Principality Aziraphale of the Eastern Gate banish the denizens of Heaven and Hell from this world. Fight your god forsaken War somewhere else or I will smite the every single one of you." The Principality's voice had a dangerous tone. A tone that many of them thought he never possessed.

"Didn't you hear me? I SAID BE GONE!" Aziraphale bellowed with rage as a beam of white light shot from his free hand, the other gripping the sword tightly.

When the Principality discorperated an entire platoon of angels, along with with some demons who hadn't flown away quick enough, that's when troops from both sides began to flee.

Lucifer cursed at his army of demons as they fled. "You stupid lot! It's just a Principality!" He had heard about Aziraphale's immunity to hellfire, but he didn't really believe it. It must have been a trick...

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that it was now just him and the Principality Azirphale.

"Lucifer." Aziraphale said coldly as he met Satan's pitch black eyes.

"Aziraphale. How's your daughter?" Lucifer taunted.

Lucifer barely dodged the flaming blade that was swung at his head.

"Out of practice I see. Tsk tsk! Lack of skill seems to run in the family." Aziraphale roared in fury as Lucifer managed to dodge all of his blows.

"You killed killed her....she was innocent!" He sobbed as fresh tears fell down his face. He knew that Lucifer was trying to get him upset, get him too emotional to think straight.

Lucifer smiled when he saw Aziraphale begin to weep. Pathetic, but effective.

With a flap of his pitch black wings, he charged with a war cry, his blade ready to run the weeping angel through....

But right when Lucifer expected his black blade to be driven into the angel's stomach, Aziraphale, quick as lightning, thrust his flaming sword through Lucifer's chest.

Lucifer spat up black foul smelling blood as he tried to claw at the sword in his chest.

"That was for Eden." Aziraphale whispered into Lucifer's ear as he then began to try to claw at the angel, ripping the angel's waistcoat as he fell.

Aziraphale landed gracefully next to the fallen Devil, who was trying to crawl to his obsidian sword which landed a couple of feet away.

"Damn you..." Lucifer said as fresh blood bubbled from his lips. "You think you can kill me? You may have ended the War...but I will always come back... I'll take away everything you cherish...."

With a deft swing of the flaming sword, Aziraphale beheaded Satan, a splatter of blood splashed on the angel's tear-stained cheek as he watched the Devourer's  head roll several feet away....

"You already have." Aziraphale rasped as he turned away from the grisly sight, making his way back to his family, the sword no longer aflame as the angel tossed it onto pavement with a loud clatter. He never wanted to see the wretched thing ever again.

Bad Omens (The Final Cut/Definitive Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang