Chapter 73

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The demon kicked his legs as Gabriel slammed the demon against the wall. "What the fuck?" Crowley cursed as he jerked awake at the noise. Aziraphale woke up as well and immediately darted in front of Eden's bed, blocking his daughter from the demon's sight with a white wing.

"How did the fuck did he get past the ward?" Crowley cursed, his teeth bared as he stepped in front of his family.

"Please, I came to..." Abraxas choked out as Gabriel's fingers began to crush his windpipe, blackness clouded his vision.

"Wait!" a weak voice begged. "Don't hurt him!" Gabriel, Crowley and Aziraphale turned and saw Eden. She pushed herself up painfully, despite her fathers' protests.

"I know him, his name is Abraxas, let him go Gabriel." Eden rasped.

Abraxas trembled at the purple gaze of the Archangel. "One wrong move and I will smite you where you stand." Gabriel spat as he released the terrified demon. Abraxas fell to his knees gasping for breath. "T-Thank you.."

"State your business scum!" Gabriel snarled. Abraxas flinched. "Satan is coming for the Champion. I came as fast as I could to warn you."

Aziraphale paled as Crowley kicked the bedside table. "DAMMIT!"

"He's been weakened ever since he fought with the Principality, but at the moment, Archangel Michael and Uriel are in the process of removing the protection ward you have around your home."

Abraxas stared at the floor, expecting to be maimed in some grotesque manner but instead, he heard Eden say, "Come here Abraxas."

"Eden..." Crowley tensed as the demon approached the bedside. "It's okay Daddy, he means no harm." She turned to the demon, "Thank you for warning us, you are welcome to stay with us..." she glanced at Aziraphale who nodded in agreement. "....for as long as you like..."

"I'm afraid I can't accept." Abraxas said sadly. "I need to return to my post before Head Office gets suspicious. I hope you will feel better soon Eden." It looked like Eden was about to reply but she broke into a raspy cough. Abraxas was nearly knocked over by Aziraphale when Eden moaned in pain. Abraxas jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Gabriel. The look the Archangel shot him said it all. It was time to leave.

"Thank you!" Crowley said as Gabriel escorted Abraxas out of the bedroom and out the front door.

"Eden, you shouldn't have sat up like that, you could have opened your wound." Crowley scolded as he and Aziraphale finally got Eden to lie back down.

"Don't you mean wounds? I'm fine Dad." Eden replied as Aziraphale dabbed a fresh cold compress against her bow. "Hush, don't talk Little One, you must rest."

"Can't rest, gotta go fight the Devil again....try not to get killed this time..." Eden murmured as she made another attempt to sit up. "Ack!"

"Over my dead body!" Crowley paled. "Oof, poor choice of words."

"Enough of this, both of you!" Aziraphale snapped. "We need time to think, and you young lady, need to rest!" He placed a hand against her feverish brow, "You feel hotter than before....Crowley, does she feel hotter?" Crowley touched Eden's forehead, "She does..."

To both fathers' dismay, Eden's' temperature had indeed risen to a devastating 103 degrees and her condition worsened within the hour, leaving the worried Crowley and Archangel Gabriel to plan alone.

"She can't fight him like this....even if she could I wouldn't let her." Crowley said tightly as he glanced at Aziraphale, who was busy tending to their daughter.

"I agree with that sentiment, what are we going to do?" Gabriel asked.

"It's a long shot, but it just might work..." Crowley replied.

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