Chapter 59

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The trio shot to their feet when Eden's bedroom door creaked open and out stepped Bella.

"Is she alright?" Aziraphale demanded.

Bella's face was solemn as she replied, "She's stable, for now, but very weak. These next twenty four hours are going to be crucial for her, but for now, she seems to be breathing on her own and not in need of any assistance."

Crowley, Aziraphale and Gabriel sighed with relief as Bella continued, "She is going to need around the clock care and we must be on the lookout for any signs of infection."

Their faces fell.

"What's so crucial about these next twenty four hours?" Aziraphale rasped, on the verge of tears.

"If she doesn't regain consciousness within the next twenty four hours....she could become comatose."

Aziraphale seemed to crumple at those words and he ran back into the room. He couldn't bear this anymore.

"Angel wait!" Crowley said as he rushed into the room after him.

"No..." Gabriel whimpered as he sank back to the floor. He hung his head as Bella went back into the room, the sound of Aziraphale's sobs drowning out Crowley's words of comfort.

As Crowley tried desperately to comfort Aziraphale, with his own tears spilling onto Eden's blankets, he saw Bella had returned. "Crowley, may I have a quick word?" Crowley gave a quick nod then he gave Aziraphale a comforting kiss. He met Bella at the far side of the room so Aziraphale could have a few minutes alone with Eden.

"Crowley, I had Adam fetch a supply of bandages which are now stored under the bed. I went ahead and dressed Eden's wounds, but you can watch me when I apply new dressings so you can learn how to do it. But at the moment, I want you to go make something for Eden to eat. Some type of brothy soup, we need to keep her body, or as you call it, her corporation, fed, clean and warm."

Crowley nodded, "I'll do just that.."

"No." said a grief-stricken voice. Bella and Crowley turned and met Aziraphale's teary gaze. "I-I'll do it." He glanced at Eden's slowly rising and falling chest.

"Angel..." Crowley began.

"I need to do this for her Crowley." Aziraphale replied. "I'll be back in a few minutes." And with that, Aziraphale left.

"Angel wait!" Crowley said as he followed Aziraphale out to the hallway and downstairs. "Let me help you Angel." Crowley said as he pulled his husband in his embrace. "You don't have to do any of this alone. I'm here for you."

After a moment or two of holding each other close, they went to the kitchen and prepared their daughter a light meal.

Bella helped the two fathers' prop Eden up with pillows so she could sit up and Aziraphale rubbed her throat to help her swallow after Crowley would give her a spoonful of broth.

When that was done, Bella showed them how to change her dressings. Crowley winced at the sight of all of the stitches that were keeping the hole in her stomach sealed. There must at least be a hundred....maybe more.....

Gabriel had no idea how long he sat in the hallway. He saw Aziraphale and Crowley leave for a few minutes, then return with a bowl of soup.

He looked up when he heard Crowley say, "Gabriel, you can come in now."

Gabriel knelt down and he touched Eden's uninjured cheek. The one cheek was covered in a bandage, hiding the deep cut she had received. "Eden." He saw that she had been dressed in a light blue nightgown with a one horned horse on it.

His gaze then traveled to her tattered wings, one was wrapped snugly with bandages, the other looked as if some feathers had been plucked out due to being so badly damaged. Her flame red hair was almost completely shrouded in gauze and even more cloth bandages.

Gabriel felt a lump in his throat as he rasped, "You're going to be okay now Eden....I promise." He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, tears running down his face. 

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