Chapter 6

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       "Hello!" the young woman said politely to Gabriel, who was still frozen on the spot.

"I saw you watching me while I was petting the Cromwell's new puppy! He's such a sweetheart, anyways, my name is Eden. Eden Fell." She extended her hand out for a hand shake.

Gabriel recalled that it was a customary human greeting. He accepted her hand, his arm felt like lead and he felt a bolt of energy shoot up his arm when their fingers locked.

Eden felt the very same thing and asked, "So what's your name?"

"G-Gabriel." Gabriel stuttered. He had never stuttered before in all of his six thousand years of existence.

Eden Fell grinned, "You have very lovely eyes Gabriel." She had been instantly captivated and drawn by his purple eyes which were a clear indication that he wasn't human.

She was fine with that.

"T-Thank you Miss Fell." He stuttered again. He felt his stomach turn into a knot. Maybe his corporation was faulty.

"Oh please, no need to be so formal around me! Everyone around here calls me Eden, you must be new here." As she said this she took off her dark glasses revealing her eyes.

Before he could stop himself, he gasped with a mixture of shock and....wonder. Eden's eyes we're the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

Almond shaped eyes, with pale blue irises and narrow pupils as black as night greeted the Archangel's gaze, who couldn't help but get lost in them for a moment.

Eden looked down. "Oh...sorry if my eyes bother you, most people don't seem to notice them, but I wear these sometimes because my parents want me to be cautious."

She started to put them back on but Gabriel reached out and stopped her, "No, please don't, I'm sorry. Your eyes are wonderful, they just took me by surprise. I've never seen eyes like yours before...."

She also wasn't human, and not an angel.

Gabriel was surprisingly okay with that.

He thought he would discorporate at the sight of her smile. "Really?"

"Yes...really." Gabriel smiled back, hoping his knees wouldn't give out.

"Hey, I'm on my lunch break, would you like to join me for some Fish N Chips?" Eden asked as she shoved her glasses into her hoodie pocket.

"Fish and...what?" Gabriel had no idea what she was talking about.

Eden giggled; it was music to Gabriel's ears.

"It's food silly, you look like you could use a good meal." It was true; the poor thing looked like he didn't even know what sushi was. Not only that, Eden had also sensed the waves of loneliness coming off of him in felt just like her own. That was what made her turn around and look for the source; she didn't expect it to come from someone so handsome!

"Come on! I know exactly where to go! You're going to love it, I just know it!" She grabbed Gabriel by the hand, the Archangel's face turning as red as a strawberry which made Eden giggle again, her own cheeks flushing a bright red as she led Gabriel out of the park, his stomach churning.

He and Eden we're now sitting at a table, in a place called a restaurant, at least that's what Eden had called it. She ordered for the both of them and Gabriel saw for himself that she was right; no one seemed to notice her eyes.

But he did and he couldn't get enough of them.

"Now, I take it that you've never had any type of food before?" Eden asked curiously.

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